Tuesday, November 17, 2020

MUST, MUST SEE!!!!!-----Take a peek under the Orwellian hood with this clip of dozens of oBjEcTiVe media outlets literally reading the EXACT SAME SCRIPT telling you what to believe | Not the Bee

Take a peek under the Orwellian hood with this clip of dozens of oBjEcTiVe media outlets literally reading the EXACT SAME SCRIPT telling you what to believe | Not the Bee
"...But what about their local news? 
Surely they can be trusted, right? 
Surely they wouldn't read from some Orwellian Big Brother's script to get you to distrust something, right?
If anyone is in doubt, show them this haunting clip this holiday season. 
There's a new nightmare before Christmas in town...Watch it all!!

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