Monday, November 16, 2020

The Blob | The Rio Norte Line

The Blob | The Rio Norte Line
"America is two, very distinct, very separate countries now. 
  • The left half of the country thinks the other half are racists, bigots and fascists and 
  • the other half just shakes their head in disbelief and wishes the left half would invest in some mirrors.
We are not separated by class, race or economic status, we are separated by ideologies that simply cannot be reconciled, one existing in constructs based on fantasy and myth and the other in a hard reality based in natural law and history.
...The left in America has decided the right is so deserving of contempt and disdain, they no longer engage in debate, preferring to use their control over the media to simply erase access to any information they deem unhelpful. 
They dishonestly assign worst motives to their opponents as a justification for ignoring them and avoiding any challenges on an intellectual level.
History has proven over and over that their social, cultural and economic policies are disasters – often existentially so – but try showing them that evidence. 
You just get anger and they dig in even deeper. 
They aren’t invested in being right, their total commitment is on you being wrong...Read all!

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