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Thursday, December 31, 2020
Cancel Culture, Coronavirus And Endless Virtue Signaling: Here Are The 5 Worst Things About 2020 | The Daily Caller
Top 5 Mask Nazis of 2020 - Louder With Crowder
Mark Levin: Democrats Shamelessly Back 'Anti-Semites like Raphael Warnock for the U.S. Senate'
They can't contain (or condemn) their hate-----Instapundit---DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE
“Rodney Robinson, a social studies teacher in Richmond, Virginia, was named the 2019 National Teacher of the Year on Wednesday by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).”
Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.--Posted by Ed Driscoll"
Woman charged for allegedly making death threats against Republican election official in Michigan and her daughter - TheBlaze
When There Wasn't Enough Hand Sanitizer, Distilleries Stepped Up. Now They're Facing $14,060 FDA Fees.
unexpected fee to the government of more than $14,000...Read all.
Cultural appropriation?-----Hilaria Gets Married | Power Line
Briefly, “Hilaria” Baldwin, social media star and wife of the anti-Trump actor and activist Alec Baldwin, has been impersonating a Spanish immigrant for many years.
In fact, her name is Hillary Hayward-Thomas, and she is from Boston. Her father was a Boston lawyer and her mother was an internist at Massachusetts General Hospital and, I believe, on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. Hillary grew up in Boston and attended prep school there.
For sheer comedy, it will always be hard to top her Today show appearance, where, impersonating a Spaniard and talking about cooking, she uttered the immortal, heavily accented line: “We have very few ingredients. We have tomatoes, we have, um, how you say in English — cucumbers.”
How could the Daily Mail resist a story like this? The Mail has been digging into the past, and now reports on the Baldwins’ 2012 wedding:
EXCLUSIVE: The bride wore a mantilla! Inside Hilaria and Alec Baldwin’s NY wedding where they said ‘sí,’ waved flamenco fans and exchanged Cartier rings inscribed in Spanish – and later she said her family ‘couldn’t pronounce her new surname.’
This photo of the Baldwins at their wedding is hilarious, given what we know now. Still, one wonders: did Alec seriously believe that his wife was Spanish? Presumably not: her parents attended the wedding. (Hillary’s father’s family, by the way, has been in Massachusetts since before the Revolution.)...Read all.
Lunch video-----Tucker breaks down prestigious private school's latest diversity manifesto
Xi Jinping Celebrates China's Economic Boom in New Year Speech
Kristi Noem Blasts Leftists' 'Unprecedented Attacks on our Freedoms,' Counters with Message of Hope - Louder With Crowder
From the LA Times, 30th December 1934.
- Freak Weather of the Year 1934
- Cold, Heat, Drought and Floods set new marks
- Unprecedented Extremes in Every Corner of the Earth
- Bersek Elements
- Even Climate in Changed
So what are the lessons from 2020, this year of Peak Insanity?
- First, there is now final and conclusive proof that the Media and Social Media companies are out of control, enormously powerful, chillingly uniform and bigoted, and the determined, ruthless, remorseless enemies of everything that is true and good. ..You should know that these people work in the industry of lies, for the agenda of treason...
- Second, the same applies with any mainstream political party. Most of these have already fallen. They are already poisoned and corrupted beyond the point at which they can serve any useful function for those who wish to be free....
Once you realise that the whole game is rigged, that the corruption is vaster and deeper than you ever imagined in your most cynical moments, there is strangely a kind of liberty in that.
Blackburn on $2,000 Payments: Dems Want to Go Down Path of Guaranteed Minimum Income, Aid Must Be 'Targeted'
Congressional staffers next to receive COVID-19 vaccine
History for December 31
- 1687 - The first Huguenots set sail from France for the Cape of Good Hope, where they would later create the South African wine industry with the vines they took with them on the voyage.
- 1695 - The window tax was imposed in Britain, which resulted in many windows being bricked up.
- 1862 - U.S. President Lincoln signed an act admitting West Virginia to the Union.
- 1879 - Thomas Edison gave his first public demonstration of incandescent lighting to an audience in Menlo Park, NJ.
- 1891 - New York's new Immigration Depot was opened at Ellis Island, to provide improved facilities for the massive numbers of arrivals.
- 1929 - Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians played "Auld Lang Syne" as a New Year's Eve song for the first time.
- 1999 - Russian President Boris Yeltsin resigned. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was designated acting president.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Maskless Woman Confronted by Mask Nazis Declares She's DONE with COVID Restrictions - Louder With Crowder
German Economist: ‘Great Reset Will Cause A Crash Worse Than 1930s’
"The Great Reset is real, it’s happening now and will lead to devastation worse — “much, much worse” — than the Weimar Republic, a German economist has warned.
Dr. Antony Mueller, Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil, says that the Chinese coronavirus ‘pandemic’ is being used as cover by the globalist elite to destroy small businesses and hasten a new world order based on “expertocracy, climate green religion, and brutal depopulation.”
This globalist elite — inspired by the World Economic Forum’s ‘Build Back Better’ campaign for a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and by the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 — are killing Main Street, together with thousands of jobs, by keeping economies across the Western World in near-permanent lockdown.
“Most people have not noticed yet because at the moment governments can afford to give them subsidies and welfare payments. But the question is: ‘For how long?’ We know this money is coming to an end and that it will soon be over. Next you will see massive unemployment all over Europe as one country pulls down another country.”
The coming economic crisis will be worse than any the world has seen before because all the countries in the Western world will become impoverished simultaneously and be unable to help one another.
“We are seeing the destruction of the economy in all Western countries — from the U.S. and Canada to New Zealand and Western Europe. 2020 as been a big catastrophe in the making. It’s just not here yet but it will be worse — much, much worse — than Weimar.”
It was the decline of Germany’s Weimar Republic — a period of high unemployment, deprivation, and hyperinflation — that led to the rise of Hitler.
But however bad it might have been, the coming depression is going to be much worse because society is more atomized and less family-oriented and religious...Read all.
Biden Interior nominee discusses environmental injustice with tribal leaders
Sidney Powell: 2020 election was masterpiece of deception
Victor Davis Hanson column: Our upside-down postelection world | Columnists |
- Media cross-examination of the president now is an out-of-date idea. The time for gotcha questions has come and gone. Why ask a president whether he is a traitor or a crook when you can focus on his favorite flavor of milkshake or compliment him on his socks?...
- Impeaching a first-term president after his first midterm election — on a strictly partisan vote, for political reasons other than the U.S. Constitution’s “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” — now is a terrible idea.
- Worse would be to appoint a special counsel to harass a president on unfounded charges of collusion with China. An even scarier notion would be a conservative dream team of partisan lawyers hounding President Joe Biden — using a 22-month, $40 million blank check.
- It would be unprofessional for university psychologists and physicians from a distance to diagnose, in pop fashion, the mental faculties of a President Biden.
- Certainly, there never would be talk about U.S. Department of Justice officials contemplating wearing a wire as part of an entrapment scheme to remove a President Biden through the 25th Amendment. That almost would constitute a coup attempt.
- Almost as bad would be for the holdover FBI director to start “memorializing” his private conversations with Joe Biden on FBI devices...
- What happened to the Logan Act?...
It isn't a surprise-----Murder rate rose by 37% in U.S. cities in 2020 - Liberty Unyielding
Law Prof Explains Why the Facebook Antitrust Case Focuses on Mark Zuckerberg's Emails
"Identity politics has become the new secular religion. We need more heretics.
For me, the defining image of 2020 was also the funniest: that of Democratic lawmakers in the US taking the knee, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, draped in Ghanaian kente cloth....
* * * * * * * *
What was perhaps more unexpected* was the almost total embrace of Black Lives Matter, the banner under which this movement marched, by the capitalist class. Corporate giants lent their support to the protests. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream pledged to ‘dismantle white supremacy’. And the CEO of JPMorgan Chase took the knee in front of a giant open bank vault...
...Related: The Religion to Replace All Other Religions.
* It shouldn’t be that unexpected, considering how easily corporate giants embraced another gnostic religion, radical environmentalism, a few decades ago.--Posted by Ed Driscoll"...Read all!
Legion of Gloom - WSJ
They hiding this important information on purpose?---You’re Infected With the Coronavirus. But How Infected?
- Knowing the amount of virus carried in the body could help doctors predict the course of a patient’s illness.
As it turns out, there may be a way to help distinguish these two groups, although it is not yet widely employed.
The results suggest that knowing the so-called viral load — the amount of virus in the body — could help doctors predict a patient’s course...
Controversial Bill Gates-funded plan to dim the sun's rays moves forward quietly - TheBlaze
"While you may have been paying attention to [Gates'] efforts on vaccination and lockdowns, you may not have noticed that one of Gates' most controversial causes just got a go-ahead: A project that would help block out the sun," the Western Journal's Douglas Golden wrote.
Reuters reported that the geo-engineering plan — a Harvard University project funded largely by Gates— "plans to test out a controversial theory that global warming can be stopped by spraying particles into the atmosphere that would reflect the sun's rays."
"Professor Neil Ferguson in the London Times on Christmas Day: People don’t agree with lockdown and try to undermine the scientists.
Not least of which, some fellow called Professor Neil Ferguson, during the first half of 2020: What Neil Ferguson’s booty call tells us about modern politics.
“It is actually incredibly important news that Ferguson, the Imperial College modeller who said it was possible 500,000 Brits would die if we didn’t lock down, defied the lockdown.
It deserves the frontpage treatment it is getting today.
For Ferguson’s booty call with his married lover actually reveals a great deal about the 21st-century elites and how they view their relationship with the masses.
It’s one rule for them and another for us.”
QED: Dr. Fauci Admits He Has Treated The American People Like Children.--Posted by Ed Driscoll"
Massachusetts Passes Abortion on Demand for Minors
History for December 30
- 1853 - The United States bought about 45,000 square miles of land from Mexico in a deal known as the Gadsden Purchase.
- 1922 - The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formed.
- 1924 - Edwin Hubble announced the existence of other galactic systems.
- 1940 - California's first freeway was officially opened. It was the Arroyo Seco Parkway connecting Los Angeles and Pasadena.
- 1944 - King George II of Greece proclaimed a regency to rule his country, virtually renouncing the throne.
- 1953 - The first color TV sets went on sale for about $1,175.
- 1978 - Ohio State University fired Woody Hayes as its football coach, one day after Hayes punched Clemson University player Charlie Bauman during the Gator Bowl. Bauman had intercepted an Ohio pass.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Harvard Calls Women 'Birthing People,' Ted Cruz Responds - Louder With Crowder
The CDC and NCHS Need to Clean Up COVID-19 Death Counts
Pennsylvania lawmakers find there were more votes than voters
Fauci doubles down after being confronted over startling admission that he deceived the public about herd immunity - TheBlaze
The Shaky Case for State Bailouts
- The report tells us: "Alaska chopped resources for public broadcasting.
- New York City gutted a nascent composting program that could have kept tons of food waste out of landfills….
- In Maryland, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will lose a $1.6 million state subsidy."
- Orchestras, for instance, overwhelmingly benefit the rich. If affluent Americans want to enjoy the pleasure of live classical music, they should pay for it themselves, fully and honestly.
- ...spending includes the lavish pensions paid to state employees. Why should I, as a resident of Virginia, pay for public employees' retirements in badly managed states such as Kentucky? As the Times explains, Kentucky has one of the most poorly funded public-sector pension systems in the country, and now it is further delaying its payments into the system.
- Meanwhile, "some, like California and New Jersey, had recently committed to raising their contributions to cover past underpayments—but now can't afford to do so."
Why Is Solar Energy Getting 250 Times More In Federal Tax Credits Than Nuclear?
"The Washington Favor Factory never sleeps.
Without a doubt, it was the solar- and wind-energy sectors.
According to a December 21 estimate from the Joint Committee on Taxation, the extension of the solar sector’s investment tax credit (ITC) will cost the American treasury another $7 billion between now and 2030...Those billions will be added to the $27 billion in ITC credits that were already designated for the solar sector and $34 billion in PTC that will be collected by Big Wind between now and 2029.

Dark Age of Science: Top Doctor Booted from Position After Questioning Lockdowns
Four years ago, 15-year-old Mimi Groves, then a freshman at Heritage High School in Virginia, was excited to get her learner’s permit. After receiving it, she sent her friend a 3-second Snapchat video in which she said: “I can drive, [n-word]!”
Somehow, the video was circulated among a few students at school. It survived for years, and, last year, Jimmy Galligan, who was a senior along with Groves at Heritage, ended up seeing it. Galligan, whose mother is black and whose father is white, said he was offended by the video. Instead of explaining the issue with a white girl using the slur to Groves herself, Galligan held onto the video and waited until he could use it against Groves to destroy her.
Typically, such an act would be seen as bullying, but in today’s pro-cancel-culture society, Galligan received a New York Times profile and the story presented from his point of view, along with a headline clearly favoring his actions. “A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning,” reads the Times headline about Galligan’s act.
The “reckoning” refers to what Groves endured at the hands of Galligan. Groves had been accepted to the University of Tennessee and was set to join the school’s cheer team, which at the time was the reigning national champion. When Galligan posted the video of Groves online and it went viral, she lost her position on the cheer team and was forced to withdraw from the university after facing pressure from admissions officials. The officials apparently told her they received “hundreds of emails and phone calls from outraged alumni, students and the public,” the Times reported.
Groves told the Times that she didn’t “understand the severity of the word, or the history and context behind it because” she was so young. She told the outlet the slur was used in “all the songs we listened to, and I’m not using that as an excuse.”
There’s something for everyone to hate in this story: A college freshman gets her life destroyed by being videoed quoting a rap song when she was 15. The crusading New York Times, staffed by journalists who earlier this year exclaimed that a Tom Cotton op-ed somehow endangered them, is thrilled to sic the social media dog pile onto her. And college administrators who take their lead from that mob. A whole lot of people who should know better need to ask themselves:
UV LED lights kill 99% of COVID in 30 seconds, new study - TheBlaze
Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds
- Only 300 asymptomatic cases in the study of nearly 10 million were discovered, and none of those tested positive for COVID-19.
The disgusting media uses this for their headline? Misses the entire point!!----------Michigan AG to Trump: ‘stop obsessing about those women from Michigan. You’re not our type’
LANSING, MI – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has fired back at President Donald Trump after he suggested she should face sanctions for pursuing sanctions against lawyers questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election.“These lawyers are true patriots who are fighting for the truth and, obviously, getting very close,” Trump tweeted on Sunday.
“A patriot is a person who vigorously defends their country against its enemies and detractors,” she wrote. “History will reveal which you were. I wish you loved your country half as much as you love yourself. Also, time to stop obsessing about those women from Michigan. You’re not our type.”