Friday, December 11, 2020

Improper Medicaid Payments Have Soared Since Obamacare | National Review

Improper Medicaid Payments Have Soared Since Obamacare | National Review
"Americans are conditioned to expect inefficiency and waste in government programs. 
We make jokes about long lines at the DMV and the Bridge to Nowhere as if slow-moving bureaucracy and fiscal profligacy are features of the system. 
But a recent report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) puts government mismanagement on a different plane and should alarm all Americans. 
The report reveals astronomical improper spending in Medicaid, our nation’s third-largest government program.
The true Medicaid improper-payment rate now exceeds 25 percent, meaning that more than one in every four dollars spent in the Medicaid program — or more than $100 billion in federal spending each year — is in violation of program rules. 
...The media, to date, have virtually ignored the issue; but taxpayers are being fleeced, and we can’t fix the problem until people know and understand what’s happening...Read all.

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