"Got to thinking about...some of the fact ammo climate skeptics here might need if/when Kerry becomes Biden’s climate guru.
So here is a bit more...fact ammo for the maybe coming renewed climate war.
One of the BIG problems with renewables is their intermittency.
One of the BIG problems with renewables is their intermittency.
Another is their lack of grid inertia. (See my recent guest post on Grid Stability for details.)
Innumerates like Kerry persistently claim both issues can be/will eventually be overcome by more grid interconnectivity or by better grid battery storage.
Those hopes/beliefs are almost certainly wrong.
...This hopefully not too technical complementary post explains why their rechargeable grid battery hope is also wrong. It does so in a simplified yet easily researchable way.
It provides all the key words for anyone seeking deeper grid battery storage understanding.
,,,Two final definitional climate warrior ‘ammo’ reminders
,,,Two final definitional climate warrior ‘ammo’ reminders
- First, batteries live in a DC world.
- Grids live in an AC world.
There is always the significant added cost and limited reliability of the necessary high voltage high power DC/AC interfaces...
Second, using batteries to solve renewable grid intermittency is something touted by Elon Musk, and ‘gifted’ by him to South Australia after their 2016 renewable induced disastrous grid blackout.
Second, using batteries to solve renewable grid intermittency is something touted by Elon Musk, and ‘gifted’ by him to South Australia after their 2016 renewable induced disastrous grid blackout.
But Elon used a simple marketing ‘con’, same as the California flow batteries exposed in essay California Dreaming.
...Elon ‘conned’ South Australia (IMHO to gain free ‘advertising’), and Australia’s MSM never caught on.
...Elon ‘conned’ South Australia (IMHO to gain free ‘advertising’), and Australia’s MSM never caught on.
Tesla’s Hornsdale, SA facility (below, now expanded by 50%)...can hold up the SA grid for little more than an hour.
The South Australia blackout duration depended on where you were; metropolitan Adelaide was restored first. Central Adelaide was dark for at least three hours.
More symbolic hopium that doesn’t work in the real world."
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