Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Gotta love those government subsidies going to Ford and GM!-----Joe Biden Signs Executive Order to Make All Federal Vehicles Electric

Joe Biden Signs Executive Order to Make All Federal Vehicles Electric

"President Joe Biden signed an executive order Monday to phase out the federal government’s use of vehicles that run on gas and replace them with ones that run on electricity.

The process is part of Biden’s “Made in America” executive order, which the president claims will create one million additional jobs in the auto industry in America.

...But replacing an entire federal fleet of hundreds of thousands of vehicles could be a massive undertaking. TechCrunch reported that, in 2019, the federal fleet comprised of more than 645,000 vehicles, including more than 412,000 trucks and 224,000 passenger cars.

...Automakers likely to supply the country with these electric vehicles include Ford and General Motors, companies that have both said they would commit to spending billions on electric vehicles...Read all.

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