Friday, January 01, 2021

My Prediction For 2021 Is Pain-Kurt Schlichter

My Prediction For 2021 Is Pain--Kurt  Schlichter
"’s a column full of my 2021 predictions as my last column of the year. 
I predict pain.
Here are the specifics.
...8. COVID Will Continue Until We Revolt
Have you noticed that Establishment seems to love this pandemic? 
And why not? 
They get to boss the proles around and it sure doesn’t interfere with their pampered lives. 
They’re doing fine working from their penthouses. 
They’re still noshing at the French Laundry while the rest of us – at least in the unfree blue states – are trying to survive their idiotic lockdowns. 
Eventually, maybe, Americans will find their spine and we’ll know it when the first healthy 25-year old doofus without a comorbidity is pulled from his Prius for wearing a mask while alone in his jalopy and is tarred and feathered.
7. Trump Will Leave Twitter...
6. There Will Be A SCOTUS Nomination...Read all!

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