Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Tax the poor?-----Biden's regressive energy policy is one big war on the poor - American Thinker

Biden's regressive energy policy is one big war on the poor - American Thinker
"Joe Biden's transportation secretary nominee, Pete Buttigieg, was all over the map at his confirmation hearings.
...Buttigieg did not specify where money could come from for big investments in infrastructure, and wouldn't rule out a tax increase. 
...Two things stand out: 
  • Buttigieg wants a tax hike for gasoline to fund his so-called infrastructure projects. Who will pay those taxes? Those who drive...But the poor live on a low margin — the tax will likely cut to the bone for the poor, forcing them to go without, say, in food supplies or other necessities. Tax hikes that are the same and unavoidably hit the poor the hardest.
  • The hearing also notes that Buttigieg likes the Big Brother solution, to tax people based on miles driven...
And as a side note, these regressive tax hikes for so-called infrastructure projects will likely be the kind that never happen, because if experience is any indicator, the funds will get diverted to other leftist priorities, which don't include quality of life for the general public...Read all.

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