Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Democrat Rita Hart Drops Challenge To Results Of Iowa Congressional Race, Concedes To Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks | The Daily Caller
Cops outraged that NYPD cop-killer tapped to help design police reform in New York - TheBlaze
China Grabbing Whitsun Reef: 'Sudetenland' in Slow Motion :: Gatestone Institute
The failure of the Obama administration to defend the Philippines in early 2012, in a confrontation similar to today's, emboldened China's regime to adopt an even more aggressive posture in its peripheral waters.
China claims all the waters inside the dashes are sovereign as well, terming them "blue national soil." There is no legal basis for an assertion of sovereignty of this sort.
Whitsun, which Manila calls Julian Felipe Reef, is 175 nautical miles from Palawan, an island of the Philippines. The feature is within the Philippine "exclusive economic zone"....Since December, large Chinese trawlers have lashed themselves together and parked in formations near Whitsun. Vessels come and go, but the numbers have gone up over time. They have not been engaged in fishing...
Washington [in 2012] brokered an agreement for [China and the Philippines] to withdraw their craft [from Scarborough Shoal], but only Manila complied. Beijing has been in firm control of Scarborough Shoal ever since. The Obama administration, despite the brazen Chinese seizure, decided not to enforce the agreement it had just arranged.
Worse, by doing nothing to hold China accountable for deception and aggression at Scarborough, Washington empowered the most belligerent elements in the Chinese political system by showing everybody else in Beijing that aggression worked....
James Holmes, who holds the J. C. Wylie Chair of Maritime Strategy at the U.S. Naval War College, told Gatestone that China's current actions at Whitsun are "an offensive that looks like conquest by increments." Fanell maintains that not opposing China's actions at Whitsun will soon put both Taiwan and the Senkakus at risk...Read all.
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Propaganda: Are Americans Being Taken In By It? | Intellectual Takeout
Dr. Fauci praises himself for COVID-19 vaccines: 'May have been the best decision that I've ever made' - TheBlaze
The end is near-----ASU dean writes book alleging that grading students’ writing is 'white supremacy'
- An Arizona State University academic wrote a book alleging that grading students’ writing based on quality is “white supremacy.”
- His answer to helping Black students develop “positive racial identity” in the classroom is to “destroy grading.”
Hate your country?-----US Olympic trials: Athletes can kneel during anthem, raise fists |
- The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee released guidance about the “racial and social demonstrations” that will and won't be allowed at U.S. Olympic trials.

Lunch video-----Woke Colleges vs Testing
Lindsey Graham defends AR-15 ownership: 'My house will be the last one that the gang will come to' - TheBlaze
Today’s blacklisted Americans: California’s ethnic studies uses Nazi language to demonize Jews
Today’s blacklisted Americans: California’s ethnic studies uses Nazi language to demonize Jews
They’re coming for you next: The new California ethnic studies program that is expected to be imposed on all the state’s classrooms is in fact based entirely on critical race theory (CRT) that makes whites the devil and all other minorities its victims, except Jews, who are targeted for special condemnation using language reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
Because of outrage over the bigoted nature of the earlier versions, two revisions have been offered, both of which really changed nothing of substance. The last version however added the following:
...The Jewish Journal points out that Jews are the only group in the curriculum for whom the term “privilege” is used. And this privilege is not earned by way of talent, or educational and professional attainment, but rather trickery. The ESMC, echoing Nazi propaganda about Jews as impostors and appropriators hiding in plain sight, points out that American Jews often change their names (“this practice of name-changing continues to the present day”) to change their rank in the social year in San Mateo County, world history will be replaced by ethnic studies.[emphasis in original]
There is a lot more in the article at the link.
Overall it outlines the racist, white- and Jew-hating nature of critical race theory, about to be imposed on all students in California’s public school system, even as that system removes any teaching about world history and the Nazi genocide of millions of Jews...Read all.
Who Asian-Americans Should Really Fear by Carl Jackson
- So-called “white nationalists” are not attacking Asian- Americans.
Mutations could make current Covid vaccines ineffective soon: Survey
- Mutations of the coronavirus could render current vaccines ineffective within a year, according to a survey of experts in 28 countries.
- Of those surveyed, almost a third gave a time frame of nine months or less.
New poll finds 'warning signs' that spell bad news for Joe Biden's long-term agenda - TheBlaze
Thugs joining with tech to shout down ALL opposition-----GoFundMe Yanks Page Run by Virginia Parents Fighting Woke Curriculum - Washington Free Beacon
"GoFundMe bowed to pressure from progressive activists and deactivated a fundraiser affiliated with a group of Virginia parents fighting the infusion of critical race theory in Loudoun County Public Schools.
Scott Mineo created his GoFundMe in mid-March after a members of a private Facebook group called Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County launched an intimidation campaign against a number of parent groups, including his Parents Against Critical Theory.
GoFundMe did not specify which term of service Mineo’s page violated....Read all.
History for March 31
- 1854 - The U.S. government signed the Treaty of Kanagawa with Japan. The act opened the ports of Shimoda and Hakotade to American trade.
- 1870 - In Perth Amboy, NJ, Thomas Munday Peterson became the first black to vote in the U.S.
- 1880 - Wabash, IN, became the first town to be completely illuminated with electric light.
- 1885 - Binney & Smith Company was founded in New York City. The company later became Crayola, LLC.
- 1889 - In Paris, the Eiffel Tower officially opened.
- 1917 - The U.S. purchased and took possession of the Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25 million.
- 1918 - For the first time in the U.S., Daylight Saving Time went into effect.
- 1949 - Winston Churchill declared that the A-bomb was the only thing that kept the U.S.S.R. from taking over Europe.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
WARNING: Here's who's REALLY behind 'spooky, right-wing' extremism - TheBlaze
Over the past year, the left has tried to paint conservatives as "spooky, right-wing" extremists who want to destroy the nation. But true conservatives know that's not true. However, there is a dangerous global movement that fits this "spooky" definition — masquerading as "right-wing" — and it's gaining momentum. It's called Traditionalism, with a capital "T."
All Trump’s Codependents
Helping us expose the lies of the left-----Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States by Rachel Alexander
Chris Wallace blasts Jen Psaki over border crisis, media blackout: 'Less transparent than Trump' - TheBlaze
Good! Starting to fight back?-----Netherlands: Churchgoers breaking COVID rules attack journalists | World News,The Indian Express
- Worshippers flouting pandemic measures in the Netherlands have responded to media attention with violence.
- Lawmakers have slammed the attacks on reporters.
Biden admin lawyers urge Supreme Court to allow warrantless gun confiscation ahead of major case - TheBlaze
The climate hysterics own the leftist media-----Another Media Outlet Caught Peddling Extreme Weather Tales | Climate Change Dispatch
"A Wyoming Public Media article, titled “NOAA Upgrades Forecasts As Climate Change Drives More Severe Storms,” falsely claims climate change is making extreme weather events worse.
Scientific data, NOAA data, and even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) dispute any claim that climate change “drives more severe storms,” as the article’s title asserts.
Initially, the article stuck to facts about NOAA’s new system.
“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration upgraded the computer model that forecasters use to predict the weather one to two weeks in the future, called the Global Forecast System. The new model is better at predicting where hurricanes will form and how intense they will be as well as where and when snowstorms and rainstorms will occur, and how much precipitation will fall.”
Rather than proceeding to describe how NOAA’s new technology will work and why it is an improvement over forecasting technologies and methods currently in use, the article quickly strays into climate alarm.
“Climate change is driving more severe weather across the country,” claims the article. “In recent years, Americans have experienced record-breaking hurricanes, wildfires, heatwaves, and rainstorms.”
Data show, contrary to Hersher’s claim, hurricanes are neither becoming more powerful nor more numerous.
As meteorologist Anthony Watts noted in a recent Climate Realism post, even counting 2020, “the number of major landfalling U.S. hurricanes — the most reliable hurricane trend indicator — has not increased since 1900 (see Figure 1 below)

Figure 1. The number of continental United States landfalling hurricanes 1900–2019. Left, all hurricanes, right, major hurricanes (category 3 and above), with (insignificant) regression lines, (Klotzbach et al., 2018), with 2018–20 updated from personal communication with lead authors. Figure 1 was composed by Dr. Bjorn Lomborg in an update of his peer-reviewed paper Welfare in the 21st century: Increasing development, reducing inequality, the impact of climate change, and the cost of climate policies, posted on Facebook on January 3rd, 2021.
“Notice the complete absence of major hurricane landfalls in the U.S. from 2006 through 2016. That had never happened before in the U.S. hurricane record,” writes Watts...Read all!
Suicide Pact: Subsidised Wind & Solar Designed to Wreck First World Economies
Suicide Pact: Subsidised Wind & Solar Designed to Wreck First World Economies-March 30, 2021 by stopthesethings
"One of China’s principal strengths is its ability to harness cheap and reliable nuclear and coal-fired power.The Roman Empire didn’t collapse because the barbarians to their North were particularly formidable foes. Overextended military and imperial ambition, combined with internal political and societal corruption and institutional decay, left the Romans sitting ducks.
20 years of massive subsidies to chaotically intermittent wind and solar have sent retail power prices in Australia to the top of the leaderboard. A brief dalliance with a tax on carbon dioxide gas helped that surge. Before subsidised renewables came on the scene, Australia enjoyed the cheapest power prices in the developed world.
Now, with a substantial penetration of unreliable wind and solar, energy hungry businesses are simply dumped from the grid when the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in, whenever those collapses coincide with general spikes in demand. Power rationing is the new normal.
Mineral processing and manufacturing are in their death throws. The destruction of those industries has left a weak and vulnerable Nation even more so...Read all.
Plus: “This is insane. Not only did he get grants from the NIH to do work in WIV he later got a 750k PPP loan AFTER his very work may have kicked off the entire pandemic. They never even asked him about it!”
The new woke journalism reads an awful lot like the old statist propaganda.--Posted by Stephen Green"
Biden administration developing covid-19 vaccine passports - TheBlaze
A recent Pew Research survey found that 30% of Americans "probably" or "definitely" don't plan on getting a coronavirus vaccine.
"If it became a government mandate, it would go down a dark road very quickly," warned Brian Castrucci, who leads the Bethesda, Md.-based de Beaumont Foundation. "It becomes a credential. It becomes a 'needing your papers,' if you will. That could be dangerous — and it could turn off people."
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) blasted the idea of vaccine passports.
Top Paid LA Lifeguards Earned Up To $392,000 In 2019
- ...Seven lifeguards made more than $300,000 and
- 82 lifeguards had total earnings that exceed $200,000 in 2019, the latest year available.
- Fernando Boiteux was the most highly paid and earned $391,971.
Why California Is In Trouble – 340,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $45 Billion.
History for March 30
- 1822 - Florida became a U.S. territory.
- 1842 - Dr. Crawford W. Long performed the first operation while his patient was anesthetized by ether.
- 1858 - Hyman L. Lipman of Philadelphia patented the pencil.
- 1867 - The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars.
- 1870 - The 15th amendment, guaranteeing the right to vote regardless of race, was passed by the U.S. Congress.
- 1870 - Texas was readmitted to the Union.
- 1950 - The invention of the phototransistor was announced.
- 1981 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded in Washington, DC, by John W. Hinckley Jr. Two police officers and Press Secretary James Brady were also wounded.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Chinese Propaganda Group Has Spent Years Cozying Up To Black Colleges | The Daily Caller
“One of the top sources of recruitment has been American students in China,” James Carafano, a vice president of the Heritage Foundation and national security expert, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
He said that the Chinese government uses groups like CUSEF and Confucius Institutes to provide cultural enrichment programming for the purposes of “data mining” and potential recruitment of American students.
“Nothing’s innocuous because essentially everything connects back to the Chinese Communist Party. You can never assume that any contacts are innocent,” Carafano told the DCNF. “The FBI’s been warning about that for years.”
Los Angeles increases police funding after crime spike - TheBlaze
Stealing the future elections!-----Zuckerberg's Election Rigging Group Sends VP to Be Biden's Tech Director.
- A former Vice President of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative – which funneled $350,000,000 to the Center for Tech and Civic Life – now serves as Special Assistant to the President and Director of Technology in the Biden White House.
When The Powerful Say Lies Are The Truth, No One Will Stop It But You
- H.R. 1 will ban voter ID requirements,
- mandate early voting windows,
- allow outside activist groups to deliver votes for counting,
- do away with notarized absentee ballots,
- force states to accept absentees for 10 days after an election is over,
- narrow the Federal Election Commission by one member to allow for partisan control,
- mandate counting illegal aliens in voting districts,
- allow the IRS to investigate non-profits’ political ideas, and
- make it nearly impossible to sue over the new rules.
Pete Buttigieg Floats 'Vehicle Miles' Tax for Infrastructure Spending Plan
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg floated a “vehicle miles” tax Friday to pay for a likely $3 trillion infrastructure spending extravaganza.
Speaking to CNBC, Buttigieg claimed, “President Joe Biden’s forthcoming plans to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges and waterways would lead to a net gain for the U.S. taxpayer and not a net outlay,” the network reported.
Just another hand in the "free-money" pot-----Breckenridge plans to require new events to incorporate sustainability, social equity and philanthropy |
Just like the mafia of old. Extortion!-----GM CEO Mary Barra blasted as racist in ad by Black-owned media leaders
Montana A.G.: We're Worried Migrants Will Be Relocated to our State and We Won't Be Able to Keep Them from Being Released
On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends First,” Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R) said he’s worried about the prospect of migrants being transferred from the southern border to northern states and said that his state cannot place and process migrants “and make sure they’re not just released into the interior.”
CBP said in a statement, “CBP continually evaluates possible contingency plans and adjusts its operations as circumstances dictate, but currently there are no plans to transfer migrants from the Southwest border to the Northern or Coastal borders.”
Why are we PAYING these hateful morons to spew their mental illness at our children?-----Campus Reform | Professor calls Republicans demanding investigation into coronavirus 'racist'
- Professor calls Republicans demanding investigation into coronavirus 'racist'
- Matthew Gabriele said Republican congressmen asking for an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 are "racist f***ing a**holes."