The following are facts.
There are innumerable issues in the world of public policy which are opinions, but there are also hard facts.
Society often does itself a great disservice by conflating the two.Treating a fact as if it were mere opinion can be even worse than treating an opinion as if it were fact.
- The earth is not a static planet; our climates change, our weather changes, from day to day, from year to year, and from century to century, through no fault or effort of our own. Sunspots and volcanic activity have a great deal of influence on the earth’s climate. Human activity has almost none. The very idea of manmade climate change being substantial enough to be perceptible or even noticeable is hogwash.
- Petroleum is one of the greatest gifts that Divine Providence bestowed on this planet for our benefit. Petroleum provides us with everything from energy to clothing, from laundry detergent to eyeglasses. Almost everything we live with is based on petroleum in some way; it should be championed, not demonized.
- Most so-called “green energy” is anything but green. While there are rare exceptions, wind power and solar power cost so much to manufacture, use, and eventual decommission, the fiction that they are cost-efficient requires both massive government subsidies and incredible self-denial about the environmental damage they do. From the birds they fry or shred, to the incredible landfill space they use when retired, to the huge acreage they require for operation, green energy can honestly be described as little more than a colossal scam.
- Recycling is wonderful when it makes sense, but it usually doesn’t...Read all!
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