Friday, March 05, 2021

Millennial Males with Degrees are Getting Crushed in the Workplace (See Chart) | Intellectual Takeout

Millennial Males with Degrees are Getting Crushed in the Workplace (See Chart) | Intellectual Takeout
"...But what if women have already achieved parity with the men and are in fact surpassing them?
Although it seems absurd given the cultural mantras we’ve been fed, research is beginning to show that such is the case. 
One recent NBER paper finds that college-educated men are struggling to stay in the “cognitive/high wage” workforce much more than women. 
Another NBER paper produced a similar result, finding that young men between the ages of 25 to 34 are specifically the ones in trouble.
Richard Reeves and Eleanor Krause of the Brookings Institute elaborate on this trend...Read all.

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