Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Monday, May 31, 2021
Biden's ATF Director to Admit: 'I Want to Ban the AR-15' - Louder With Crowder
How NATO Would Wage a Fourth Battle of the Atlantic Against Russia - 19FortyFive
"Over at Business Insider, Christopher Woody has the story of how NATO navies are working to keep the sea lanes connecting North America with Europe open in times of war.
Past foes found this logic compelling; so do present-day rivals.
...Now Russia is following the familiar pattern, dispatching nuclear-powered attack submarines to menace sea traffic.
Ron DeSantis Savages Corporate Media Still Attacking Him - Louder With Crowder
U.S. monitoring Iranian warships that may be headed to Venezuela - POLITICO
- Tehran's intent in sending the vessels in the direction of the Western Hemisphere remains a mystery, as does their cargo.
...U.S. officials do not know for sure the destination of the Iranian ships, these officials said, but believe they may be ultimately headed for Venezuela.
Public HS principal to valedictorian: Mentioning your Christian faith in graduation speech is 'not appropriate.' But valedictorian is fighting back. - TheBlaze
Not Forgotten - WSJ
- A revival of Memorial Day traditions and an enduring example of bravery.
Former teachers union president reveals why he went from fighting against charter schools to promoting them: 'They're bad for unions, not for kids' - TheBlaze
Ocean explorer discovers 5 sunken WWII subs, giving closure to hundreds of families
- Ocean explorer discovers 5 sunken WWII subs, giving closure to hundreds of families
Baldwin's father, Fredrick Edward Cashell, and 41 other men died in June 1943 when the submarine sank off the Florida Keys during a World War II training exercise.
"As a teenager, I found myself looking for him, because there was never a funeral," Baldwin said.
But in 2011, a relative forwarded her a website claiming that the submarine had been found.
History for May 31
- 1870 - E.J. DeSemdt patented asphalt.
- 1884 - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg patented "flaked cereal."
- 1900 - U.S. troops arrived in Peking to help put down the Boxer Rebellion.
- 1913 - The 17th Amendment went into effect. It provided for popular election of U.S. senators.
- 1955 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that all states must end racial segregation "with all deliberate speed."
- 1962 - Adolf Eichmann was hanged in Israel. Eichmann was a Gestapo official and was executed for his actions in the Nazi Holocaust.
- 1977 - The trans-Alaska oil pipeline was finished after 3 years of construction.
- 1995 - Bob Dole singled out Time Warner for "the marketing of evil" in movies and music. Dole later admitted that he had not seen or heard much of what he had been criticizing.(one does NOT need to see everything in movies and music to know that filth dominates.)
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Migrants from overseas are now flocking to the southern border to enter the US - TheBlaze
It’s a Travesty to Compare the Capitol Siege to 9/11
- More than 3,000 children never saw their parents again.
- On Jan. 6, Congress returned within hours.
Democrat's "dream" ruler-----Joe Biden Makes Incredibly Creepy Comment About Little Girl
"Joe Biden was at Joint Base Langley speaking to members of the military ahead of the Memorial Day weekend to recognize their service.
Biden delivered long, rambling remarks, spending a lot of time talking about his son, Beau Biden, who had been in the military...
Biden then praised a woman who had spoken before him, who was a veteran and was now a military spouse, there with her three children, two boys and a little girl who was no older than six.
“I love those barrettes in your hair. Man, I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”...Read all.
Criminal heyday: Chicago Police Dept. ends foot chases for low-level offenses - TheBlaze
You think "green" energy is free???? Hah! 50% increase starts Tuesday!-----Consumers Energy starting to charge “summer peak rate” this summer
- Company said rate increase to pay for more expensive electricity
In America today, no-lives-matter... unless they can be used for financial or political gain.-----Florida shooting: 2 killed, at least 20 others injured after shooters fire into a crowd at a Forida club
Florida shooting: 2 killed, at least 20 others injured after shooters fire into a crowd at a Forida club
Reporter Sues Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for Discrimination - Louder With Crowder
Snowflake students getting flakier!-----Citing their ‘feelings,’ university theater students rail against play selection
- Western Washington University theater students are trying to cancel their department’s fall play since their “identities” were “grossly misrepresented in this decision.”
- In addition to “trigger warnings” for sexual harassment and “inappropriate portrayals of gender and sexuality,” the students are concerned that depictions of isolation would be “mentally taxing” due to recent COVID-19 quarantines.
A worthy read to prepare for tomorrow-----Memorial Day: A Marine's perspective on gratitude and sacrifice - Sandboxx
USS Thresher (SSN-593) (documentary)
Maritime Mystery: USS Scorpion disaster kills 99 sailors
“Tragic. It's just tragic,” Barbara Gilliam said.
“Your whole life changes. I can’t believe he is not coming home.”...Read all.
Ron DeSantis: Lockdowns are Making Voters Switch to GOP - Louder With Crowder
History for May 30
- 1814 - The First Treaty of Paris was declared, which returned France to its 1792 borders.
- 1848 - W.G. Young patented the ice cream freezer.
- 1868 - Memorial Day was observed widely for the first time in the U.S.
- 1896 - The first automobile accident occurred in New York City.
- 1911 - Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 500. At the time, it was known as International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race. Harroun's average speed was 74.59 miles per hour.
- 1922 - The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in Washington, DC.
- 1958 - Unidentified soldiers killed in World War II and the Korean conflicts were buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
- 1989 - The "Goddess of Democracy" statue (33 feet height) was erected in Tiananmen Square by student demonstrators.
- 1997 - Jesse K. Timmendequas was convicted in Trenton, NJ, of raping and strangling a 7-year-old neighbor, Megan Kanka. The 1994 murder inspired "Megan's Law," requiring that communities be notified when sex offenders move in.
- 2012 - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the Portion Cap Rule. The proposed amendment to the city health code would have required that food service establishments limit the size of sugary beverages to 16 ounces. On June 26, 2014, the New York Court of Appeals ruled that the New York City Board of Health had exceeded the scope of its regulatory authority.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Michigan Secretary of State Warns County Boards Against Ordering Audits
"Water"!-----The Second World Wars with Victor Davis Hanson | Water
Racists Make A Comeback With All New Ways To Be Racist!
Sweden Goes From Being One Of The Safest Countries In Europe To The Second Most Dangerous | ZeroHedge
- A new investigation finds that Sweden has gone from being one of the safest European countries 20 years ago in terms of gun crime to the second most dangerous.
“Most of the fatal shootings in Sweden (around 80 percent) had a link to organised crime, according to the study, a proportion which had risen from 30 to 50 percent in the early 2000s and less than 20 percent in the 1990s. Brå also compared the proportion to other countries: around 60 percent of fatal shootings were linked to organised crime in the Netherlands, while in Finland such events were extremely rare,” reports The Local.
...In a country where criticizing mass immigration is basically a thought crime, no consideration is even afforded to the possibility that the large number of Muslim migrants the country has absorbed over the last two decades could be a factor.
“Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again. Christopher… what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again,” he added...Read all.
New York Times COVID Reporter Says It's "Racist" To Discuss Wuhan Lab Leak Theory | ZeroHedge
- A New York Times reporter who specializes in COVID-19 coverage tweeted that it was “racist” to even talk about the Wuhan lab leak theory...Read all
Wisconsin election managers referred 41 voter fraud cases to prosecutors over 5-year period | Washington Examiner
The Wisconsin Elections Commission released a report this week detailing the 41 voter fraud cases that local clerks have turned over to local prosecutors in recent years.
“We want the public to understand that we take these matters seriously,” Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe said.
The report covers fraud cases that date as far back as 2016.
Just Who Made Obama's Birth Certificate an Issue? - American Thinker
"...Obama, writes Dovere, "would never forgive [Trump] for turning a fringe obsession with his birth certificate into an issue he'd had to address from the White House briefing room in 2011."
...In the way of background, a week prior to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, attorney Philip Berg filed a federal suit in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania challenging Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president.
..."I was deprived of my due process rights to be heard," Berg would later write. "Judge Surrick made some outlandish comments claiming Obama had been properly vetted, and that was completely untrue." Berg's claim here is accurate. The media's failure to investigate Obama's background is a scandal in its own right.
"Our current president came out of nowhere, came out of nowhere," said Trump. "In fact, I'll go a step further. The people who went to school with him, they never saw him; they don't know who he is. It's crazy." This is the only section of Trump's speech Obama quotes in A Promised Land.
Obama omits what Trump said immediately afterward.
...What attracted Trump to the birther issue was not Obama's race, but his inexplicable resistance to sharing his birth certificate.
The Real Problem with the Blue-State Model
- It’s not just high taxes; it’s lousy services, too.
- He didn’t explain how his state—with the nation’s third-highest corporate income tax and its worst business climate—had put “corporations ahead” of ordinary people.
- Nor did Murphy clarify how Jersey, where the top 1 percent of households pays 38 percent of the income taxes, favored “the wealthy.”
And democrat voters say they hate the rich?-----IT’S GOOD TO BE THE NOMENKLATURA
"Granholm’s Green Energy Millions.
“On Wednesday, Granholm confirmed she earned a $1.6 million profit on her shares of Proterra amid a firestorm over her financial ties to an electric vehicle company repeatedly promoted by the Biden administration.In selling off her shares, Granholm was able to defer paying capital gains taxes on the $1.6 million sale because cabinet officials are not penalized with the tax on assets they are required to sell as a condition of joining the administration.
The Biden administration is seeking to raise the capital gains tax on America’s wealthiest families.”--Posted by Stephen Green"
Why Was Dr. Fauci Put in Charge of the COVID-19 Pandemic After His Disastrous HIV Epidemic Performance?
History for May 29
- 1765 - Patrick Henry denounced the Stamp Act before Virginia's House of Burgesses.
- 1790 - Rhode Island became the last of the original thirteen colonies to ratify the U.S. Constitution.
- 1849 - A patent for lifting vessels was granted to Abraham Lincoln.
- 1912 - Fifteen women were dismissed from their jobs at the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, PA, for dancing the Turkey Trot while on the job.
- 1922 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that organized baseball was a sport, not subject to antitrust laws.
- 1953 - Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became first men to reach the top of Mount Everest.
- 1990 - Boris Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian republic by the Russian parliament.
Friday, May 28, 2021
'Transyouth' expert: Kids should have choice to undergo 'life altering' surgery because they 'most of the time make good decisions' - TheBlaze
Video footage posted on social media shows a transgender-affirming medical professional arguing that children should be able to choose to undergo sex reassignment procedures because they "most of the time make good decisions."
And besides, the doctor added — in specific reference to breast reduction surgery — it can always be reversed later in life.
Fail at your job? Blame the cops!-----Crybaby: Chesa Boudin blames lazy, racist cops for San Francisco's crime surge and his own unpopularity - American Thinker
"Apparently, all would be paradise in crime-pit San Francisco if it weren't for all those lazy, racist cops who are persecuting poor, heroic Chesa Boudin, the city's leftist do-nothing district attorney.
That's the word from young Chesa, stepson of Bill Ayers, son of a terrorist convicted of killing a black cop, and former Hugo Chávez adviser, who's suddenly found himself unpopular in the city and facing a voter recall.
According to KPIX5 CBS of San Francisco (hat tip:
District Attorney Chesa Boudin claimed..."The reality is the POA (police officers union) needs someone to point the finger at and this isn't a new issue," he said.
...the POA wants to get away without doing their job. They want to get away with allowing their officers to send racist text messages, to use excessive force against the community and to engage in systematic violations of civil rights of Black and brown drivers on our streets...Read all.
Don Surber: Blacktivists say "people of color" is racist
"Blacktivists say "people of color" is racist
Newsweek ran a column by two blacktivists, under the headline, "Stop Saying 'People of Color' When You Mean Black."
...The column complains that calling people of color places people of other colors on par with black people in their grievances.
...They do not want those Asians or Hispanics horning in on their action
The whole point of BLM and all that crap is to promote black supremacy.
...Writer Andrea Plaid and Christopher MacDonald-Dennis, chief diversity officer at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, wrote, "Instead of erasing this truth with the term 'people of color,' we ask that you use it sparingly. It is a term that denotes all racially marginalized people. How often are you really talking about all racial minoritized people? More often than not, you're describing a specific group with its own specific problems. Don't be lazy; name them. Though all racisms are rooted in white supremacy, they manifest themselves differently in different communities."...Read all.
Biden administration physically restricts 12 GOP lawmakers from access to border facility - TheBlaze
Wasn't caused by the "pandemic". Caused by the political manipulation of the scam.-----Pandemic has fueled eating disorder surge in teens, adults |
- Many hospital beds are full.
- Waiting lists for outpatient treatment are bulging.
- And teens and adults seeking help for eating disorders are often finding it takes months to get an appointment.
Video shows obese thug-woman throwing punches. We've masculinized too many girls.-----28-Year-Old Woman Charged For Assaulting Southwest Crew Member
"28-year-old Vyvianna Quinonez has been charged with felony battery after assaulting a flight attendant on a Southwest Airlines flight.
Major Bible publisher scraps 'God Bless the USA' Bible that included America's founding documents, patriotic lyrics - TheBlaze
Tom Cotton Embarrasses Biden ATF Nominee Over Assault Weapons Definition
Still insane from TDS!-----Facebook: People Are Now Permitted to Speculate Covid-19 Leaked from a Laboratory
"h/t Breitbart; Following official suggestions the Wuhan laboratory leak hypothesis is being seriously considered by the US Government, Facebook has announced they will now allow users to share their Wuhan lab leak virus origin theories with friends.
In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured from our apps. We’re continuing to work with health experts to keep pace with the evolving nature of the pandemic and regularly update our policies as new facts and trends emerge...
...Of course, it is really President Trump’s fault that liberals initially rejected the Covid Lab Leak hypothesis. As ABC presenter Sara Haines recently explained, Trump’s “racist terms and dog whistles” made it impossible for liberals to consider Trump’s theories about the origin of Covid-19, until President Biden signalled that publicly discussing the lab leak hypothesis is no longer an act of disloyalty or sedition.
Imagine what life would be like if these clowns got their hands on real power...Read all.
Biden officials shut down Trump-era investigation to determine if COVID leaked from Wuhan bio lab - TheBlaze
President Joe Biden's administration reportedly shut down a State Department investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic that was started last year by the Trump administration under then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's leadership.
BIG news and stopped construction? But daily murders in Chicago and every other democrat controlled cities aren't "news"???-----Amazon Connecticut Facility Finds 8th Noose, Stops Construction Again
- Another noose was found at the construction site for an Amazon warehouse in Windsor, CT.
- This means a total of eight have been found at the site, forcing construction to stop twice.
- An Amazon spokesperson said the company does not tolerate "hate, racism or discrimination."
History for May 28
- 1805 - Napoleon was crowned in Milan, Italy.
- 1863 - The first black regiment left Boston to fight in the U.S. Civil War.
- 1928 - Chrysler Corporation merged with Dodge Brothers, Inc.
- 1957 - National League club owners voted to allow the Brooklyn Dodgers to move to Los Angeles and that the New York Giants could move to San Francisco.
- 1977 - Fire raced through the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, KY. 165 people were killed.
- 1996 - U.S. President Clinton's former business partners in the Whitewater land deal were convicted of fraud.
- 1998 - Pakistan matched India with five nuclear test blasts. The U.S., Japan and other nations imposed economic sanctions. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said "Today, we have settled the score with India."