Wednesday, May 19, 2021

American Boy Scouts have gone WOKE: Eagles now required to earn 'diversity and inclusion' badges | The Post Millennial

American Boy Scouts have gone WOKE: Eagles now required to earn 'diversity and inclusion' badges | The Post Millennial
"The Boy Scouts of America organization has released a lengthy letter iterating their support for the BLM organization and explaining the implementation of new diversity measures.
"The Boy Scouts of America stands with black families and the black community because we believe that Black Lives Matter. This is not a political issue; it is a human rights issue and one we all have a duty to address."
"We will also continue to listen more, learn more and do more to promote a culture in which every person feels that they belong, are respected and are valued in Scouting, in their community and across America," adding that it will review the names of everything in their organization, including any and all insignia, to "ensure that symbols of oppression are not in use today or in the future."
Diversity training will also now be mandator for all employees of the organization, with another version forthcoming for volunteers as well, and a "specific diversity and inclusion merit badge" has now been made a requirement in order to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout...Read all.

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