Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Vote fraud proof!-----From the web.

Facebook--By Peter Navarro, via Lynn Chu. 
"It is stunning.
Here is the relevant data on counts of known types of illegal votes found on recount that were counted but should not have been, from AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, & WI:
  • Absentee ballots cast that were not applied for. WI: 170,140
  • Absentee ballots arriving after election day. PA: 10,000
  • Absentee ballots untimely requested (before or after statutory deadline). GA: 305,701
  • Absentee ballots from nonresidents. AZ: 19,997; NV: 15,000; PA: 14,328
  • Absentee ballots received on or before postmark date. AZ: 22,903; PA: 58,221
  • Absentee ballots received with no postmark. PA: 9,005
  • Absentee ballots under name of registered voters who say they never requested it.  MI: 27,825
  • Dead voters. GA: 10,315; MI: 482; NV: 1,506; PA: 8,021
  • Double voters in state. AZ: 157; GA: 395; NV: 42,284; PA: 742; WI: 234
  • Felon voters. GA: 2,560
  • False identities (ghost voters). AZ: 5,790; GA: 15,700
  • Illegal ballot harvesting. WI: 17,271
  • “Indefinite confinement” as illegal abuse of absentee ballot. WI: 216,000
  • Juvenile voters ineligible to vote. GA: 66,247
  • Mail in ballots registered by voters after registration deadline. AZ: 150,000
  • Voters with no address on file. AZ: 2,000; GA: 1,043; MI: 35,109; NV: 8,000
  • Non-citizen voters. AZ: 36,473; NV: 4,000
  • No corresponding voter registration number. MI: 174,384
  • Non-registered voters. GA: 2,423
  • Out of state voters who voted in state. AZ: 5,726; GA: 20,312; MI: 13,248; NV: 19,218; PA: 7,426; WI: 6,848
  • Over-votes (votes for too many candidates, spoils ballot). AZ: 11,676; GA: 202,377
  • Pollwatcher, observer abuses. GA: 680,774
  • Signatures do not match. NV: 130,000
  • Voting machine irregularities, fake or manufactured ballots, spikes. GA: 136,155; MI: 195,755; WI: 143,379
  • Voters over 100 years old. PA: 1,573
  • Voters voting in wrong district/county. GA: 40,279
TOTALS: AZ: 254,722; GA: 601,130;  MI: 446,803; NV: 220,008; PA: 992,467; WI: 553,872
BIDEN MARGIN: AZ: 10,457; GA: 11,779; MI: 154,818; NV: 33,596; PA: 81,660; WI: 20,682
This is from a table published by Peter Navarro. 
The NV figures seem to be round-ups or round-downs. Also the PA number for late received absentee ballots"

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