Thursday, May 06, 2021

GREAT READ!-----Clean House in 2025 by Kurt Schlichter

Clean House in 2025 by Kurt Schlichter
"When President DeSantis is sworn in at 12:00 pm on January 20, 2025, he should give a short speech and by 12:10 be firing people. 
Lots of people.
Okay, it might not be the current Florida governor – we do know it’s not going to be Gov. Nikki! Haley (R – Establishment) or Kristi! Noem (R-NCAA) – but whoever beats Kamala Harris like a drum needs to come into the Oval Office ready to clear-cut the bureaucracy.
Just level it.
Every keen observer understands that Donald Trump’s first and foremost failure as president was personnel. 
...He needs to get to firing. 
And right away.
He needs to fire Christopher Wray at the FBI and most of the failed Bureau’s leadership.
He needs to fire much of the Justice Department, in particular the Stasi cells that are persecuting political opponents of the Asterisk regime. 
And he needs to combine this with pardons, lots of pardons, to ensure their outrageous attempts to punish and silence conservatives come to naught.
...Then he needs to rampage through the rest of the bureaucracy, firing to and fro. 
The libs will howl – let them. 
MSNBCNN and the WaPo will scream that President DeSantis is creating a conservative bureaucracy – and he will be. 
Own it. 
We tried a neutral bureaucracy devoted to the country first and that didn’t work, so we'll take the second-best option, which is one that supports our policies. 
Time to play by the new rules, and those are the new rules, folks – we didn’t make them, but we need to play by them."

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