Saturday, May 08, 2021

Portland BLM/Antifa Draw Guns on Drivers to Enforce No-Go Zone in Broad Daylight

Portland BLM/Antifa Draw Guns on Drivers to Enforce No-Go Zone in Broad Daylight
"Portland’s revolutionaries from Black Lives Matter and antifa took over a busy street at noon on Wednesday and pulled guns on drivers who dared try to dart past the mob. 
...A driver was reportedly beaten and held against his will, another had his back window destroyed and shots of some sort were fired by the AK-47- and AR-15-wielding terrorists. 
Multiple sharp sounds were heard followed by the sound of whooshing air after the militants flattened the tires of a car the gun-wielding crowd had forced to stop. 
The man was “aided” to the sidewalk, as a live-streamer put it (see the video below).
Antifa/BLM terrorists wield guns as they block citizens from traveling on public streets.
The driver in the video above had his keys, gun, and tools stolen out of his truck, according to Portland police, who finally showed up to take a report in response to an apparently false claim that someone had been hit by one of the cars...Read all.

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