Sunday, May 16, 2021

Study: Coral Numbers Show Climate-Related Extinction Threat Is Non-Existent | Climate Change Dispatch

Study: Coral Numbers Show Climate-Related Extinction Threat Is Non-Existent | Climate Change Dispatch
"That climate change threatens the extinction of coral reefs is among the least well-founded but most persistent assertions made by climate alarmists.
In truth, scientists have previously had no clear population count of how many individual corals and coral species existed worldwide.
However, new research described in an article on, titled “Half a trillion corals: World-first coral count prompts rethink of extinction risks,” places the number of corals in the Pacific Ocean alone at more than half a trillion. 
There are likely trillions more worldwide.
The scientists involved in the research say the sheer number of corals and coral species means the risk of extinction due to climate change is vastly lower than previously claimed.
...“This is about the same number of trees in the Amazon, or birds in the world.”...Read all.

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