Tuesday, May 11, 2021

This is nuts!-----Blasey-Ford Honored with Spot in The Courage Museum

Blasey-Ford Honored with Spot in The Courage Museum
"Commit heinous crimes as a black person and get shot by a cop? 
There’s a massive amount of money for you, and you could end up in a museum in your honor.
But those honors are no longer just for black thugs
Today we learn that there will be a museum for sk*nks.
Are you aware of The Courage Museum? 
It’s been established by a group called “Futures Without Violence.” 
And your tax dollars will fund this nonsense as they requested a grant for $1 million.
Ironically, Pelosi obliged...
...According to a KQED report, Christine Blasey Ford, who accused U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school, spoke at a fundraiser in February 2020 hosted by Futures Without Violence. 
At that event, Blasey-Ford received an award for “Courage.”...Read all.

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