Monday, May 10, 2021

Wood prices are out of control. I went to a sawmill that explains why.

Wood prices are out of control. I went to a sawmill that explains why.
  • A journey to the heart of the lumber shortage.
"...That morning, the price of lumber futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange surged above $1,500 for the first time, a 300 percent rise from this time last year. 
Two-by-fours are suddenly very, very expensive, sending the cost of building a new home up by about $36,000 on average, according to the National Association of Home Builders. Lumber companies are reporting record profits.
...But the case of lumber supply is a little more perplexing. 
True, shipments from Canadian forests, which contribute about one-third of U.S. lumber consumption, have been constrained by tariffs, beetle infestations, and wildfires. 
But there is plenty of wood on both sides of the border, and fast-growing pine in the U.S. South is actually cheaper than it’s been in two decades...Read all.

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