Monday, June 07, 2021

The New Clerisy - Rough Cut

The New Clerisy - Rough Cut
"Some time during the George W. Bush presidency, Democrats began proudly calling themselves “the party of science.”
...Today, in the age of biological and ecological emergency, the Democrats’ scientific brand has taken center stage again, reflected in an assertion that has become something of a mantra: “I believe in science.” The line is recited by presidential candidates and printed on face masks
...Yet in reality...The Democratic Party has become the party not of science, but of fealty to the clerics of science. 
“I believe in science” has come to mean, “I do not question expert authority,” which is as antithetical to the scientific spirit as you can get. 
The more gravely the line is intoned, the more Orwellian it becomes...Read all.

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