Tuesday, July 13, 2021

COVID Began Far Earlier Than We Were Told - American Thinker

COVID Began Far Earlier Than We Were Told - American Thinker
"...Much of the so-called guidance was based not on science but instead on a much simpler concept. 
If President Trump said X, then the Democrats, media, and administrative state said not-X, castigating and attempting to ruin anyone with the audacity to agree with Trump.
The Wuhan coronavirus did not become a household name until March 2020 when the business closures, lockdowns, and stay-at-home orders began. 
...In late January, Trump authorized a travel ban from China when there were only a few confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S.
Did he know something about the true origins of the virus? 
Was he once again ahead of the curve?
As expected, the media pounced, echoed by Democrats, calling Trump racist and xenophobic.
...China inadvertently suggested an earlier-than-reported genesis of COVID-19...Read all!!

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