Sunday, July 18, 2021

Do you trust American "teachers" to present socialism truthfully?-----Understanding Economics Can Cure an Obsession With Socialism | The Heritage Foundation

Understanding Economics Can Cure an Obsession With Socialism | The Heritage Foundation
  • Despite such apparent support for socialism, many Americans don’t have a good grasp of the implications of this system, or even what socialism really looks like.
  • One of the best weapons against socialism simply may be teaching students what exactly socialism is. 
  • Colleges and universities in America should make economics classes a priority for students.  
"Although nearly a quarter of Americans (23%) say socialism means equality, fewer (17%) correctly identify socialism as an economic system where the government controls key factors of production and distribution, according to a Gallup poll in 2018.
The same poll found that 42% of Americans said they feel positively about socialism.
Despite such apparent support for socialism, many Americans don’t have a good grasp of the implications of this system, or even what socialism really looks like...Read all.

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