Thursday, July 08, 2021

Joey Does Number Bonds – Close Enough For Government Work!

Joey Does Number Bonds – Close Enough For Government Work!
Buildings keep falling down in America. What the heck’s going on?
  • Is it bad science? Or maybe bad math? What if building engineers used the kind of modeling/statistics that Professor Neil Ferguson, who led the COVID-19 modeling team at Imperial College in London, used to develop the public policy of lockdown in Britain and America?
We now know the model was so highly flawed it never should have been relied upon for policy decisions to begin with.
As we learn more about the new coronavirus, it is imperative to continue to update the assumptions used in these models. - Heritage
  • Or maybe the failing infrastructure is partially the result of bad social engineering?
Workplace diversity and inclusion is a top priority.
To attract more female candidates, avoid using too many “masculine-type” words (e.g., ambitious, dominate, challenging) in your job posting. Check out if your job posting might be turning off female candidates using this nifty tool here.

Please note: I’m aware that it’s considered both racist and sexist of me to even think there may be a connection between diversity hiring and reduced performance.
...If your job performance is based on how well you meet diversity goals you will meet them, no matter how.
 If knowing that and saying it makes me a white supremacist, so be it: like racism itself the words no longer mean anything.
But back to the problem at hand, it’s so bad that Putin has declared “the age of American Dominance” to be over...Read all.

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