Friday, July 23, 2021

Lib-loons trying to destroy ANOTHER city!-----‘Best value’ ballot proposal headed to Ann Arbor voters 
"ANN ARBOR, MI — Ann Arbor will have a special November election to let voters decide city charter changes regarding how big city contracts are awarded.
...City Council voted 10-1 this week to call for an election Nov. 2 and place a
...The city charter currently requires the city to go through a competitive bidding process and award large contracts for projects such as road and sewer improvements to the “lowest responsible bidder.” The ballot proposal put forward by Council Member Jen Eyer, D-4th Ward, and supported by council asks voters to change that to instead require awarding contracts to “the bidder that provides the best value to the city.”
That would give the city more flexibility to implement a responsible contractor policy approved by council last year and give more consideration to other factors that impact value beyond simply bid price, Eyer said...
.Read all.

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