Monday, July 12, 2021

School District That Suspended Kids Over BB Guns At Home Forced To Pay Up

School District That Suspended Kids Over BB Guns At Home Forced To Pay Up

You may recall the story of Ka’Mauri Harrison, the Louisiana elementary school student who was suspended from school last year after a teacher briefly spotted a BB gun in Harrison’s room during a virtual class session. Harrison had simply picked up the BB gun from the floor of his bedroom and put it away so that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy, and they
barred from attending class, even online, for several weeks.

Not long afterwards, a sixth grader in the same district was suspended for basically the same reason; an accidental and brief display of a BB gun...Read all.

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