Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Secretive funds allow Michigan lawmakers to accept corporate cash -

From 2016. Updated in 2019.
A clear hit-piece from a hard-leftist NGO, reprinted by Michigan's version of Pravda.
Just before the elections.
Only republicans are highlighted as "bad-guys".
Secretive funds allow Michigan lawmakers to accept corporate cash -
  • More than a third of Michigan lawmakers are connected to nonprofits or 527 administrative accounts that can accept corporate cash, according to an investigation by MLive and the Michigan Campaign Finance Network.
LANSING, MI -- Exactly 100 days after the state Senate signed off on millions of dollars in tax breaks for data centers, the company seeking the change gave $10,000 to an account that helps pay Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof's expenses.
It is illegal for a corporation to give directly to a candidate's campaign account in Michigan. 
But the $10,000 contribution from Switch, a Nevada-based company planning to open a data center in West Michigan, falls into a difficult-to-trace and rarely discussed form of legal fundraising where many donations don't have to be disclosed.
A joint investigation by MLive and the Michigan Campaign Finance Network found at least 50 of Michigan's 144 House and Senate members, about one in three, are connected or have been connected to a nonprofit or administrative account...Read all.

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