Saturday, July 03, 2021

"...this is going to be an "epic catastrophe." ..."

Donald Sensing
"A retired Army colonel with combat tours in Afghanistan (and Iraq) told me that this is going to be an "epic catastrophe." 
I agree.
 He also commented what China, Russia, India, and Iran do there as foreign troops vacate "will be interesting," which is something of an understatement.
OTOH, Afghanistan's history shows that it is unmanageable, IMO, and the Soviets spent 10 or 11 years there with no good outcome.
Just what the strategic value would be for any of those four countries to become involved there I cannot posit, especially since they would not be cooperating with each other at all."

Afghan civilians take up arms against Taliban as foreign troops depart
Citizens react to spiralling violence with militants seizing at least 50 of county’s nearly 400 districts..."

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