Sunday, July 18, 2021

Well...if that is what they want us to believe, yes it is.-----NFL launches new ad proclaiming 'football is gay, football is lesbian...' - American Thinker

NFL launches new ad proclaiming 'football is gay, football is lesbian...' - American Thinker

"The National Football League (NFL) recently joined virtually every other American institution in lauding —  and marketing to — the LGBT community during Pride Month in June.  It did so by releasing a new 30-second commercial proudly proclaiming that "football is gay, lesbian, queer, transgender, bisexual and exciting."

The ad begins by stating "football is gay" to the sound of drums rolling and people cheering.  (I'm not sure what Dick Butkus would have to say about this advertisement, but I digress.)...Read all.

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