Monday, July 12, 2021

You are Now in the Totalitarian Zone - American Thinker

You are Now in the Totalitarian Zone - American Thinker

You are Now in the Totalitarian Zone

Before I get to the bad news, let me start with some good news. Christopher F. Rufo tweets that the revulsion against Critical Race Theory being taught in schools is showing results. Nine states have already banned it: Arizona, Texas, Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Idaho. As more people realize this effort to divide us into what Scott Adams calls “losers and assholes” I expect we will see more states banning the teaching of this perfidious, noxious, baseless nonsense. On the other hand, there seems no backing off of it in the military, where it can do nothing but weaken our defense capabilities.

Other good news is that courts are rejecting efforts to scrap voter reform. Voter Reform is winning, and it’s what the voters want:

Voters want reform...

...The bad news this week, is that the media is still feeding us baloney, the surveillance state is growing and we now have -- with judicial acquiescence -- a group of political prisoners in D.C. and a lunatic FBI dragnet against everyone who was anywhere near the Capitol on January 6.

More Media Lying...Read all!!!

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