House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) held a press conference to announce that House Democrats blocked a vote to “require” Biden to recover the military gear and Americans.
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Republicans Press to Hold Biden Accountable for Afghan Withdrawal
Joe Biden refuses to answer question about Afghanistan crisis: 'I'm not supposed to take any questions' - TheBlaze
Morons indoctrinating morons to hate. "Mindfulness" is the left's new power-word!----------Oregon State University’s College of Education hosts seminar on 'Confronting Systemic Whiteness'
"A recent event at Oregon State University event taught faculty of the dangers of "systemic Whiteness" in America.
The seminar, titled “Confronting Systemic Whiteness,” was held by the university's College of Education and served the purpose of allowing faculty to, “engage in issues of whiteness and systemic racism in the institution as well as more broadly in the United States.”
The seminar’s stated learning objectives include understanding the various ways that “systemic Whiteness” plagues the country...Read all.
Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished - Foundation for Economic Education
A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines.
...“The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.”
Put another way, vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity from COVID.
- A Death Blow to Vaccine Passports?
Military members speak against vaccine mandates with Massie - TheBlaze
How the media lies!-----"mortuary's filled beyond capacity"
Passed out man found with 300 California recall ballots
"TORRANCE, Calif. (AP) — California authorities are investigating why a man found passed out in a car had more than 300 unopened mail-in ballots for the gubernatorial recall election.
The man was arrested Aug. 16 after being found in a store parking lot in Torrance, police said.
Investigators with the Torrance police special investigations division, the U.S. Postal Service and Los Angeles County district attorney’s public integrity unit were trying to determine how the ballots ended up in the suspect’s vehicle and what his intent was in having them, police said in a Facebook statement Monday.
Sgt. Mark Ponegalek told KABC-TV that the ballots were unopened and had not been tampered with.
The man was a felon who had drugs, a loaded firearm, thousands of pieces of mail, a scale and multiple California driver licenses and credit cards in other people’s name, police said.
The man, whose name was not released, was arrested for investigation of weapons, narcotics and forgery violations.
Replacement ballots will be sent out, police said."
Furious Vet Gets to Work After Seeing USMC Officer Kicked from Corps for Calling out Biden and Woke Brass
In the video below, which many readers may have already viewed after it went viral on Thursday, Scheller delivers his message to leaders, and specifically calls out Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David H. Berger, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley.
A Mother's agony.
- From Kareem's mother. Her account is now restricted. Instagram cancelled her account.

Our Afghan Nightmare: Tanks for Nothing--Victor Davis Hanson
Afghanistan has been reinvented as the best-equipped terrorist nation in the world, basking in the prestige of humiliating the world’s superpower.
- Biden as Commander-in-Chief
- Partnering With the Taliban
An update on Col. Scheller | Power Line
Federal Judge Says California Recall Is Constitutional
People Biden Didn’t Forget
- The President takes care of a key constituency.
Jessie Bur at Federal Times says that bureaucrats scheduled to see a 1.9% raise this year will instead enjoy a 2.7% bump thanks to the President’s action.
average federal worker already makes significantly more than the average person toiling away in the productive economy...Read all!!!!!
History for August 31
- 1887 - The kinetoscope was patented by Thomas Edison. The device was used to produce moving pictures.
- 1920 - The first news program to be broadcast on radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.
- 1920 - John Lloyd Wright was issued a patent for "Toy-Cabin Construction," which are known as Lincoln Logs. (U.S. patent 1,351,086)
- 1935 - The act of exporting U.S. arms to belligerents was prohibited by an act signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
- 1964 - California officially became the most populated state in America.
- 1994 - A cease-fire was declared by the Irish Republican Army after 25 years of bloodshed in Northern Ireland.
Monday, August 30, 2021
Dem congressman unleashes on Biden's Afghanistan disaster in blistering interview: 'A total f***ing disaster' - TheBlaze
China chip shortage: $1 trillion government funds/How a giant with massi...
No worries, dem "dream-team" got everything covered!-----North Korea Restarts Weapons-Grade Yongbyon Nuclear Reactor Halted Under Trump
"North Korea apparently has restarted the Yongbyon nuclear reactor, capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium, that had been shuttered since 2018.
...The IAEA called the move “deeply troubling,” and in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.
...Apparently, under Presidentish Joe Biden, North Korea feels freer to re-start its nuclear weapons program.
...Still reeling from the ongoing deadly chaos he set loose in Afghanistan, Biden has been accused of giving North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un a “blank cheque to rebuild North Korea nuclear programme.”
That’s according to Dutch European Parliament Member Michiel Hoogeveen, who “fears Mr Biden’s administration is guilty of a failure to understand the North Korean mindset which could increase the risk of future conflict.”...Read all.
"The Great Iggy:
- Let's say you have a room that is half full of irresponsible, bratty, minor and somewhat slow children and half full of normal adults.
Who is primarily to blame for the situation that room is in?
We have allowed this to happen by being cowed.
It's as if when the adults arrived at the Lord of the Flies island, they let themselves be captured and roasted on the little creeps spit rather than putting the little maggots back in their place.
The adults need to take back the place from the punks before they get us all killed.
Dem congressman unleashes on Biden's Afghanistan disaster in blistering interview: 'A total f***ing disaster' - TheBlaze
We’ve Got a Way Bigger Problem than “Disinformation”
Lunch video-----A Palestinian Explains Hamas
Miami Herald misleading headline about Florida COVID deaths - TheBlaze
The Morning Briefing: The Odds on Biden Ever Getting Anything Right Are Horrible
It’s so bad, they were all probably wearing mismatched socks while “planning” this debacle.
My firm belief is that, even though these are dark days, we’re going to be just fine. Just not anytime soon.
There is nothing on the horizon to suggest that this administration is ever going to get anything right...Read all.
Sensing Online: What will you do when they come for you?
The Media Whitewashes Biden’s Afghanistan Blunders
- The media scrutiny to which he has been briefly subjected is already ebbing.
- ...yet many in the media clearly yearn to absolve Biden of responsibility for his incompetent and deadly withdrawal.
- Many insist that the real culprit is the man he replaced seven months ago.
Teacher tells students pledge allegiance to pride flag - TheBlaze
"What difference, at this point, does it make?"
- Maria: Who will take the hit? All these people advising Biden were integral parts of the Obama admin (DUH)
- Mast: "Feckless endangerment of Americans – that should be the charge."
History for August 30
- 1146 - European leaders outlawed the crossbow.
- 1645 - American Indians and the Dutch made a peace treaty at New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam later became known as New York.
- 1780 - General Benedict Arnold secretly promised to surrender the West Point fort to the British army.
- 1905 - Ty Cobb made his major league batting debut with the Detroit Tigers.
- 1960 - A partial blockade was imposed on West Berlin by East Germany.
- 1994 - Rosa Parks was robbed and beaten by Joseph Skipper. Parks was known for her refusal to give up her seat on a bus in 1955, which sparked the civil rights movement.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Previous COVID-19 infection protects against Delta better than Pfizer shot: Report - TheBlaze
Brainwashing YOUR children!-----Far-left teachers rally to ‘teach truth,’ thumb noses at anti-CRT legislation
We’re told to ‘follow the science’ — yet some of it is just plain wrong--Glenn Harlan Reynolds
- In recent years, there have been a lot of catchphrases around science: “Follow the science!” “We believe in science!” Even “The science is settled!”
- Well, sometimes it’s not settled. Sometimes it’s not even really science. But lots of people believe in it or follow it anyway. It’s a global problem.
Chicago police union sends clear message to Mayor Lightfoot over vaccine mandate, warns city could lose thousands of cops: 'Hell, no,' 'We'll see you in court' - TheBlaze
Liberals destroy everything they touch!-----A Deserved 'Moment of Truth' for Public Schools as a Record Number of Parents Opt Out
- Simply put, parents and students have lost faith in the school system to educate.
- They doubt whether the schools have the best interests of their students at heart.
Bills player pans NFL by posting mask fine letter on social media: 'Pray for me' 'They got me!' - TheBlaze
There’s growing concern vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to COVID-19 than previously thought
"While it’s evident that vaccination provides strong protection against the coronavirus, scientists are increasingly concerned vaccinated people may be more susceptible to serious illness than was previously thought.
According to a report by Bloomberg, this growing concern comes in the midst of a shortage of scientific studies with solid answers, leaving public policymakers and corporate executives with only “fragmented” information on which to base their plans.
...“Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate,” Bloomberg reported...Read all.
A major newspaper implied that 901 Florida residents died of COVID in a single day. It was actually as low as eight. This is why people hate the media. | Not the Bee
The Miami Herald on Thursday ran with this shocking and arresting headline:
It's obvious what the paper is trying to communicate: That the state on Wednesday recorded a staggering 901 deaths, a brutal toll and a razor-sharp indictment of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis's handling of the pandemic there. In particular the number is plainly supposed to indicate that the pandemic is spiraling out of control as deaths skyrocket to unimaginable numbers.Florida COVID update: 901 added deaths, largest single-day increase in pandemic history
Unsurprisingly, the 901 figure was spread far and wide on social media. Here's a viral post from a Florida Democratic activist...Read all.
Biden Addresses Nation Heavy on Political Platitudes, Actually Cites Scripture, Says "I've been instructed to call on..." - Louder With Crowder
Stream Sharia is Growing in Canada by Political Islam | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
History for August 29
- 1842 - The Treaty of Nanking was signed by the British and the Chinese. The treaty ended the first Opium War and gave the island of Hong Kong to Britain.
- 1885 - The first prizefight under the Marquis of Queensberry Rules was held in Cincinnati, OH. John L. Sullivan defeated Dominick McCaffery in six rounds.
- 1886 - In New York City, Chinese Ambassador Li Hung-chang's chef invented chop suey.
- 1944 - During the continuing celebration of the liberation of France from the Nazis, 15,000 American troops marched down the Champs Elysees in Paris.
- 1990 - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, in a television interview, declared that America could not defeat Iraq.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
New chief chaplain at Harvard is an atheist | Washington Examiner
Stephen Miller: here comes the Afghan refugee crisis - The Spectator World
"...‘There’s a big difference between people who are statutorily eligible for a narrowly-devised visa program by Congress and a generalized refugee resettlement, which is one hundred percent the path that we are now heading down,’ Miller warned me. The latter could have serious implications for the United States for decades to come.
If you attempted to remove every person from Afghanistan who has worked with and for the US government and their families, Miller said, ‘you’re looking at probably somewhere in the realm of a million people.’
‘I don’t know many people who think the United States can accept a million people on airplanes from Afghanistan into our communities, and there won’t be any second- or third-order effects of that,’ Miller said.
That number gets even higher when you add in individuals who did not help the US effort but are still facing threats or violence from the Taliban...Read all!
Worst people in the WORLD!!!-----Granholm Chartered Military Jet to Ukraine as US Struggled To Evacuate Americans From Afghanistan
"Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm earlier this week chartered a military jet to attend a diplomatic summit in Ukraine as the Pentagon struggled to evacuate Americans and allies from Afghanistan with limited time and operational resources, sources told the Washington Free Beacon.
Granholm's military flight took place amid the United States' frantic effort to airlift tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan ahead of the Taliban's Aug. 31 deadline and as the Department of Defense was forced to call in civilian airlines to bolster its strained evacuation fleet.
The secretary's use of a military jet—and particularly the flight's timing—may raise questions for the Biden White House, which is responsible for approving such flights...Read all.
FNC's Carlson: We Went from '15 Days to Slow the Spread' to 'Wear a Burqa and Get a Jab Every 6 Months in Perpetuity'
Wednesday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson criticized the permanent nature of what he deemed “nonsensical” mandates, including masks for those regardless of their vaccination status.
He pointed to Gov. Kate Brown (D-OR), who has instituted an outdoor mask mandate for public areas regardless of one’s vaccination status.