Sunday, August 08, 2021

Allie Beth Stuckey just got suspended from Twitter for this tweet | Not the Bee

Allie Beth Stuckey just got suspended from Twitter for this tweet | Not the Bee
"Welp, our friend Allie Beth Stuckey was just greeted with this message when she flipped open her Twitter app:
"Hateful conduct."
Allie was locked out of Twitter. She had to delete that tweet to even log back in. And now she's in out-of-school suspension until such a time that the Twitter schoolmaster decides she is fit to speak again.
That's right, calling transgender Olympian weightlifter Laura Hubbard "a man" -- when, literally, Laura Hubbard is a biological male, was born a male, and lived as a male until age 35 -- is, according to Twitter, "promoting violence against, threatening, or harassing other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease."
Please take a moment to appreciate the fact that if tomorrow Allie Beth decided to "come out as a man" then you or I could be banned from Twitter for calling her a woman.
What kind of schizophrenic clown world are we living in???
All rational people with any semblance of a backbone are on borrowed time with these Orwellian bubble-dwelling tech giants."

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