Friday, August 27, 2021

Joe Biden Reveals in Latest Press Conference He Is "Instructed" on Whom He Can Call

Joe Biden Reveals in Latest Press Conference He Is "Instructed" on Whom He Can Call
"Joe Biden said during the 2020 Presidential campaign that he had the most experience of any person who ever ran for President...he revealed during Thursday afternoon’s press conference that someone tells him whom to call upon for questions.
Actually, he said he was “instructed” whom to call upon.
For real.
Biden addressed the country and the White House Press Corps for about ten minutes regarding the bombings that took in Afghanistan early Thursday in which at least 13 United States service people lost their lives and many more were injured.
...Just as he was ending what looked to be a teleprompter-read statement at around the ten-minute mark, he limped into the end of his remarks with this…
...The written version of this does not do this justice...
"Ladies and gentlemen, (they) gave me a list here the first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell NBC News."
...Joe Biden has to be instructed on who he can call on and has to have a sheet with the reporters’ names and faces to make sure he is calling on the right person. 
...If the best we could do last November was Joe Biden and he is also the most experienced person ever to hold the Presidency…
We are truly screwed...Read all.

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