Thursday, August 05, 2021

Megan Rapinoe isn't Hated Because She's a Woman, but Because She's a Blowhard - Louder With Crowder

Megan Rapinoe isn't Hated Because She's a Woman, but Because She's a Blowhard - Louder With Crowder
Megan Rapinoe comes across as much more of a whiner than a winner. She uses her platform not to elevate, but to tear down America. She could be an inspiring figure to young athletic girls who have few idols to look up to, but she instead gets into scuffles with the president, sides with Colin Kaepernick by dishonoring the flag and the anthem, and takes a negative view of the country she represents at nearly every opportunity. It is for these reasons American conservatives such as myself, "celebrate" her loss on the Olympic world stage. It's as simple as not wanting an anti-American brat to represent our country. Call me an old fashioned fuddy-duddy.

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