Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Pew: 5-in-9 Americans 'Not Confident' in Biden's Vetting of Afghan Arrivals
'Footloose' - Dancing In The Movies
Must read!!-----The Forcible Conversion to COVIDism - American Thinker--Fay Voshell
"...Now forced vaccination and possibly vaccine passports have been added to the list of requirements deemed necessary for establishing and maintaining national health.
It strikes one that the ever-changing rituals pronounced by such entities as the CDC and WHO have become not only arbitrary and increasingly revelatory of dubious and ever-changing science, but also evocative more of religious practices than of rational, scientific measures....Devotees of COVIDism are acknowledging by their repetitious and symbolic rituals a higher power as well—that of the almighty State.

Fear is often the chief impetus behind the establishment of a political religion of the State, which requires rituals indicating obedience. As Jason Christoff has put it:
To effectively brainwash and mind control a population you first need fear. ... The tyrant is best served by being in control of the fear plus manufacturing the ritual that removes the fear. That pre-manufactured ritual will in turn trick the public into participating in their own enslavement and brings them willingly into the iron grip of the tyrant. is increasingly apparent that the fear of the virus and almost superstitious practices have been factors in the rise of the cult of COVIDism, which in turn has become a useful tool for establishing the State's control over every sector of society and every aspect of life.
It is also perfectly clear the governing priestly elite foisting their quasi-religious rituals on the masses are miraculously immune from a virus that discerns who are the pure sheep of the church of COVIDism and who are the deplorably diseased goats.
The high priests partying at the Obama birthday bash on Martha's Vineyard, at the Met Gala, and at the Emmys do not have to wear masks. Nor do they have to observe the rules of social distancing once reserved for lepers and others deemed unclean...Read all.
WH: Xi Raised Huawei CFO in Call with Biden Before Charges Dropped
The White House confirmed that Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping discussed Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou with President Joe Biden days before she was released on Friday.
“It should not come at no surprise that President Xi raised the Huawei official,” Psaki said. “But again there was no negation on this call.”
The perfect metaphor!--Free money!-----A museum lent an artist $84K — so he kept the money and called it 'art'
Comedian Destroys Joe Biden Voters for Pretending - Louder With Crowder
Secondhand clothes are sign of ‘white privilege’, students told
- Wearing second-hand clothes and swearing are now indicative of white privilege, according to a newly introduced course for students at the University of Kent.
Supply Chain Disruption Update for September 28, 2021
"I didn’t expect to do another supply chain disruption update just two days after the last one, but there’s a lot more news popping up:
Residents in three north-east Chinese provinces experienced unannounced power cuts as the electricity shortage which initially hit factories spreads to homes.
People living in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces complained on social media about the lack of heating, and lifts and traffic lights not working...
...The number of container ships anchored off Shanghai and Ningbo has surged over recent weeks. There are now 242 container ships waiting for berths countrywide...
Despite the backlog, the busiest U.S. port still shuts down for hours on most days and is closed on Sundays, the Wall Street Journal reports...
They don't want your money. They want to control your LIFE!!-----Cynthia Lummis tears into Biden proposal to report every transaction over $600 to the IRS | Daily Mail Online
- Lummis said people will 'find alternatives' to thwart the IRS' leering eye
- 'I am astounded by what you're supporting and proposing. I think it's invasive. I think privacy for individuals is being ignored' Lummis said
- Yellen said requires banks to hand over the IRS data on aggregate inflows and outflows of an account for transactions over $600
- She noted that the tax gap is expected to swell to $7 trillion over the next decade
- The proposal, meant to help pay for the $3.5T budget reconciliation plan, is expected to generate $460 billion over the next decade
Glenn Beck: Here's how the 15k Haitians got to our border and WHO they are - TheBlaze
Paul Joseph Watson----Unvaccinated Students Told to Wear Different Coloured Wristbands So They Can be Identified
- Segregation is progressive.
“Freshers have been given wristbands to signal whether they are vaccinated against coronavirus amid anger at emerging “two-tier” university campuses,” reports the Telegraph.
...Those who cannot prove they’ve been vaccinated are
forced to enter a different queue in a clear example of segregation...Read all.
History for September 30
- 1777 - The Congress of the United States moved to York, PA, due to advancing British forces.
- 1846 - Dr. William Morton performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether to a patient.
- 1882 - In Appleton, WI, the world's first hydroelectric power plant began operating.
- 1927 - George Herman "Babe" Ruth hit his 60th homerun of the season. He broke his own record with the homerun. The record stood until 1961 when Roger Maris broke the record.
- 1938 - The Munich Conference ended with a decision to appease Adolf Hitler. Britain, and France allowed Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to be annexed by the Nazis.
- 1946 - An international military tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, found 22 top Nazi leaders guilty of war crimes.
- 1954 - The U.S. Navy commissioned the Nautilus submarine at Groton, CT. It was the first atomic-powered vessel. The submarine had been launched on January 21, 1954.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
No Apology from Biden After Accusing Border Agents of Hitting Migrants
NY Times issues major correction after claiming Border Patrol agents used horse reins 'to strike' migrants - TheBlaze
Psaki: It’s ‘Unfair And Absurd’ That Companies Would Raise Costs For Consumers Due To Higher Taxes
...Obviously, the President’s commitment remains not raising taxes for anyone making less than $400,000 a year. There are some — and I’m not sure if this is the case in this report — who argue that,
in the past, companies have passed on these costs to consumers. I’m not sure if that’s the argument being made in this report. We feel that that’s unfair and absurd, and the American people would not stand for that.
Proposed IRS reporting requirements threaten taxpayer privacy, burden community financial institutions� | TheHill
There Are Far More Defensive Gun Uses Than Murders. Here's Why You Rarely Hear of Them. | RealClearInvestigations
- On May 15, an attacker at an apartment complex in Fort Smith, Ark., fatally shot a woman and then fired 93 rounds at other people before a man killed him with a bolt-action rifle. Police said he “likely saved a number of lives in the process.”
- On June 30, a 12-year-old Louisiana boy used a hunting rifle to stop an armed burglar who was threatening his mother’s life during a home invasion.
- On July 4, a Chicago gunman shot into a crowd of people, killing one and wounding two others before a concealed handgun permit holder shot and wounded the attacker. Police praised him for stepping in.
Lunch video-----Victor Davis Hanson | Trump, China and Black Lives Matter
Report: Mounted Border Patrol agents being investigated over debunked narrative face suspension - TheBlaze
EVERYONE is LEGAL!!!-----6 things you should know about the Biden Border Crisis.
2) "The Border Patrol is releasing family groups which is often a couple who claims the female is pregnant. All a woman has to do is claim she is pregnant and she will be released.
"They’re just being asked to please report to an immigration office within 60 days.”
3) "In Del Rio, the migrants are being released with NTR’s (notice to return) rather than NTA’s (notice to appear). The NTR is a request to check in with immigration within 60 days. An NTA gives an exact date when they must report. An NTA takes 1 hour to process while an NTR can be completed in 20 minutes."
4) "The Border Patrol is under pressure and they want to get the migrants processed and gone as soon as possible. "When they never show up at an immigration agency or a court date, there is no more law enforcement interaction. There is no way to track them and they are gone into the shadows of the U.S."
5) The situation is awful but according to MRC, TV media coverage of the border crisis has declined by 94%...Read all.
Biden ups the ante: Tells military to get jabbed or face dishonorable discharge
- Biden ups the ante: Tells military to get jabbed or face dishonorable discharge
By Christopher Wright
Today, it was reported the Biden administration strongly opposes a bill in the House that would require honorable discharges for departing military personnel who refuse to get the COVID injection. Preventing honorable discharges is not the only way this administration seeks to punish people who won’t willingly lie down in front of Panzer tanks.
Project Veritas just released another video, this one showing an FDA employee calling for forced COVID injections and a registry for all uninjected Americans.
But black people don’t have to worry just yet.
Why are taxpayers forced to pay for leftist propaganda???-----Taxpayer Dollars Flowed to Media Company Now Under FBI Investigation
"The taxpayer-funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting (PBS/NPR) and several progressive billionaires have partnered with a digital media company now under FBI investigation for attempting to defraud investors.
...The Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 2018 gave the media company a $500,000 grant to produce a documentary series featuring interviews with liberal celebrities.
- including a journalism center at Howard University that will be led by Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator of the 1619 Project.
- The foundation also awarded a $50,000 grant to Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, a controversial proponent of critical race theory.
Canadian school health policy counts all sick students and staff who decline COVID tests as if they're COVID-positive - TheBlaze
The charade can only continue with crooked-media support-----Jeff Jacoby: As Washington Debates the Debt Limit, the Hypocrisy Is at Flood Tide | The Patriot Post
- Anyone who follows politics knows that Washington is frequently awash in hypocrisy.
- ...There is, to begin with, the hysterical doomsaying about the horrors that await us if the debt ceiling isn’t raised — “financial Armageddon,” “irreparable harm,” “a cascading catastrophe.”
- There are the furious accusations of partisan bad faith, as Democrats blast Republicans’ “shameless” and “cynical” hard line against hiking the debt limit, while Republicans point out that Democrats control Congress and the White House and can raise the limit on their own.
- There is the charade by which both sides pretend that they don’t know how this standoff is virtually certain to end: Democrats will offer Republicans some modest concession, and the increase will be passed with GOP support.
Professor who was suspended after refusing to grade black students more leniently sues UCLA | The College Fix
"An accounting professor who was suspended from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management for refusing to grade black students more leniently in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s death has filed a lawsuit against the school for harming his professional reputation.
...Following the death of Floyd at the hands of police in May of last year, Klein received a letter from a non-black student asking that he provide more leniency in grading the work of black students...
- “However, giving students grades that they did not earn, or giving some identity groups preferential treatment over others, is divisive and inconsistent with the core principles of the university.”
- “This online campaign expressly mirrored the University’s EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) philosophy, arguing that ‘equity’ required students to prioritize protesting against the ‘oppressor’ over ‘focusing on finishing up our Spring Quarter’ by studying for final exams,” the lawsuit reads.
- “To escape their own academic responsibilities, these agitators also resorted to intimidating UCLA faculty members into canceling final exams and giving all students generous, unearned grades,” the lawsuit reads...Read all.
History for September 29
- 1789 - A regular army was established by the U.S. War Department with several hundred men.
- 1943 - U.S. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Italian Marchal Pietro Badoglio signed an armistice aboard the British ship Nelson.
- 1951 - The first network football game was televised by CBS-TV in color. The game was between the University of California and the University of Pennsylvania.
- 1953 - "Make Room for Daddy" premiered on ABC-TV.
- 1967 - The International Monetary Fund reformed monetary systems around the world.
- 1982 - In Chicago, IL, seven people died after taking capsules of Extra-Strength Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. 264,000 bottles were recalled.
- 1984 - Elizabeth Taylor was voted to be the world's most beautiful woman in a Louis Harris poll. Taylor was at the time in the Betty Ford Clinic overcoming a weight problem.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Government officials declare unvaccinated Australians 'will lose their freedoms' in October - TheBlaze
Government leaders in the state of New South Wales — where the bureaucracy just a month ago announced that it was giving vaccinated citizens a "reward" of one extra hour outside their homes for recreation time — announced during a Monday press briefing that unvaccinated folks "will lose their freedoms" in October, Sky News reported.
Soyuz 11: Death in Space
‘Beyond doubt’ there was an ‘incident’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
The 'F*** Joe Biden' Chant Is EVERYWHERE
"Joe Biden is the worst president we’ve had since the last worst president we had: Barack Obama, who was the worst president since Jimmy Carter. It has escaped no one’s notice.
...Where people have been “allowed” to congregate they have made their disgust with Joe Biden well known in the coarsest and unsociable of ways – and they’ve been cheered for it!
Nearly everywhere you look, people in large groups and small are chanting “F*** Joe Biden!”
It’s turning into this generation’s “the wave.” Remember the wave?
F*** Joe Biden is a real phenomenon.
Remember Red Friday? Now F**** Joe Biden Saturdays are a thing.
It’s a hashtag...Read all.
The Little Cafe That Almost Could - American Thinker
"...For many liberals, wrote the Times, Covid had become “another example of the modern Republican Party’s hostility to facts and evidence.”
That question read, “What are the chances someone with COVID must be hospitalized?”
- The correct answer was 1-5 percent.
- Yet 41 percent of Democrats said more than 50 percent, and another 28 percent of Democrats said more than 20 percent.
Furious Border Patrol agents respond to Biden's threat to make agents 'pay' over false whip story: 'Just started a war' - TheBlaze
"Nobody was struck by a rein, not one person was struck by a rein, not one person was run over by those horses. They used the tactics they were trained to use, to do the job [Biden] sent them out to do — these are executive branch employees," Judd told Fox News. "He sent them out there to do the job, and now he's criticizing them because his base wants them to."
There is ‘suspicion’ President Joe Biden had a ‘medical episode’
Well, they've told us "white supremacists" are the biggest threat!----- If You See Something, Say Something Awareness Day | Homeland Security
"The “If You See Something, Say Something®” campaign works with partners year-round to empower and educate the public on suspicious activity and how to report it. The campaign has designated September 25 as “If You See Something, Say Something®” Awareness Day, also known as #SeeSayDay...
How to Participate
Ready-to-Use Social Media Posts...Read all!
Exclusive Video: Smugglers Move Migrants into Heart of Texas Border City
Flipping from "slavery" to "urban renewal"!----- Reparations for Black Residents Are Becoming a Local Issue as Well as a National One
"The city of Detroit took everything from Keith E. Williams and his family.
Right before he was born, Mr. Williams’s parents and older siblings left Black Bottom, a once vibrant and predominately Black neighborhood in Detroit, when city officials demolished the area as part of what was billed as a large-scale urban renewal project in the 1950s.
But they may be closer to some relief now than in the past.
Detroit, like many other cities across the nation, is studying how best to atone for its racist past, part of a movement that has centered on the toll from slavery but has expanded to more local offenses...Read all!!!!!
If You Didn't Like A Rising China, A Declining China Will Terrify You - John Tamny
...According to a front-page Wall Street Journal report from yesterday, Xi “is trying to roll back China’s decades-long evolution toward Western-style capitalism and put the country on a different path entirely.”
...Which is just a way of saying that if a rising China has you up in arms and worried, start thinking bigger picture.
Shut down the criminal FBI!!-----The FBI: 55 Scandals, Controversies, Embarrassments :: News Lists
Summary | Date | Source |
The FBI spied on the Barry Goldwater campaign at Pres. Johnson's direction | 01/01/1964 | The Wall Street Journal |
The FBI was warned about the 9/11 terrorists, but failed to stop them | 09/11/2001 | Coleen Rowley (former FBI special agent) |
The FBI framed four men for murder; two died in prison, two spent 62 years behind bars | 07/26/2007 | The New York Times |
The FBI was warned about a terrorist planning to blow up the NYC subway system (he backed out of the attack) | 09/22/2009 | PJ Media |
The FBI was warned about the "Underwear Bomber," but failed to stop him | 12/25/2009 | PJMedia |
FBI Special Agent Convicted for Dealings with Criminals Agency Investigating | 06/18/2012 | Newsweek |
After the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, Comey's FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found) | 06/30/2013 | Bloomberg |
The FBI was warned about the Fort Hood terrorist, Nidal Hasan, but failed to stop him | 08/28/2013 | Breitbart |
The FBI was warned about the Boston Marathon bombers but failed to stop them | 04/15/2014 | NBC News |
The FBI was warned about three Americans who joined ISIS in Syria, but failed to stop them | 05/14/2014 | NBC News |
The FBI was warned about an ISIS-inspired American who killed three in Washington, one in New Jersey, but failed to stop him | 08/06/2014 | Seattle Times |
In 2015, Comey's FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees | 03/01/2015 | World Net Daily |
The FBI was warned about the Garland, Texas terrorists, but failed to stop them | 05/03/2015 | CBS News |
Comey was forced to apologize after an error in the FBI's background check system allowed Dylann Roof to buy his gun | 07/10/2015 | The Atlantic |
The FBI was warned about a man shouting "Allahu Akhbar" while attacking patrons at an Israeli-owned deli, but failed to stop him | 02/14/2016 | PJMedia |
During the FBI's Hillary probe, "A technician who destroyed evidence lied to FBI investigators even after he received immunity, and Comey did nothing" | 04/01/2016 | The Federalist; The Wall Street Journal |
The FBI was warned about the Pulse Nightclub terrorist, but failed to stop him | 06/12/2016 | Grabien |
Comey promised transparency into the investigation into the Pulse Night Club terrorist, but almost immediately redacted from transcript the killer's reference to Islam | 06/12/2016 | The Federalist |
Under Comey, the FBI blew its highest profile corruption investigations (into Sen. Ted Stevens); a federal judge blamed the "worst prosecutorial misconduct" he'd ever seen | 07/01/2016 | The Federalist |
The FBI was warned about a Va. man shouting "Allahu Akhbar" while stabbing a couple, but failed to stop him | 08/23/2016 | WSLS |
Under Comey, the FBI authorized informants to break the law 22,800 times in just four years | 08/23/2016 | The Daily Dot |
The FBI was warned about the NYC bomber, Ahmad Khan Rahani, but failed to stop him | 09/19/2016 | The New York Times |
During its investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops. | 10/03/2016 | Fox News |
Comey's FBI was embedded with the ISIS-affiliated terrorists who struck the 'Draw Mohammad' event but failed to act | 03/26/2017 | CBS News |
Comey claimed in Senate testimony he didn't feel compelled to memorialize his meetings with presidents besides Trump; however, that's untrue | 06/10/2017 | Powerline |
Comey drafted an exoneration statement for Hillary Clinton months before the FBI even investigated her | 10/16/2017 | Newsweek |
Under Comey, the FBI's database for gun buyers lost millions of records | 11/10/2017 | The Washington Post |
Under Comey, the FBI's case against Cliven Bundy was destroyed after the feds were caught deliberately withholding evidence | 12/21/2017 | The Oregonian |
The FBI was warned about the Parkland mass killer, Nikolas Cruz, but failed to stop him | 02/14/2018 | BuzzFeed |
Sexual misconduct was rampant at the FBI under Comey's watch, with at least 14 agents sanctioned | 02/25/2018 | The Daily Caller |
The FBI was warned about Corey Johnson, who converted to Islam and killed a 13-year-old boy and stabbed a mom and her son, but failed to stop him | 03/13/2018 | WPEC |
Comey's FBI blew its case against Omar Mateen's wife due to agents' misconduct | 04/03/2018 | USA Today |
FBI forced the Pulse club killer's wife into a confession, but the case was dropped over the FBI forcing her to lie | 04/03/2018 | The American Conservative |
Agent Peter Strzok was considered so hostile to Trump, Robert Mueller dropped him from the Russia probe; Comey, however, found him fit to lead the Clinton probe | 04/17/2018 | RealClearPolitics |
On the FBI's Hillary probe, Comey claimed there was no coordination between the DoJ and FBI, but texts and emails later showed that to be untrue | 04/19/2018 | The Washington Examiner |
The memos Comey leaked contained classified material, prompting the DoJ inspector general to investigate his illegal leak | 04/20/2018 | The Wall Street Journal |
Comey's memos reveal that he briefed Trump on the Steele dossier specifically so it would leak to the media | 04/20/2018 | The Federalist |
The FBI was warned about the Waffle House mass killer, Travis Reinking, but failed to stop him | 04/22/2018 | Grabien News |
During the Hillary probe, the FBI lost track of Hillary's server for months | 05/05/2018 | Jack Posobiec |
During his book tour, Comey claimed he didn't know the FBI thought Michael Flynn believed he was telling the truth | 05/14/2018 | Townhall |
The FBI was caught overhyping the threat of encrypted phones | 05/23/2018 | Axios |
The FBI's mismanaged surveillance of the New Mexico terror compound case resulted in a delayed raid | 09/14/2018 | The Federalist |
An FBI agent was sentenced to 4 years in jail for leaking documents | 10/18/2018 | KSTP |
The FBI was warned about the Nashville bomber, Anthony Warner, but failed to stop him | 12/30/2020 | WSMV |
Nashville bomber's girlfriend alerted FBI he was building bombs | 12/30/2020 | WSMV |
The FBI refuses to abide guidelines for recording interviews with witnesses | 03/13/2021 | The American Conservative |
The FBI was warned about the Boulder shooter, Ahmad Al Issa, but failed to stop him | 03/23/2021 | The Daily Mail |
FBI personnel conducted queries of data troves containing Americans’ emails & other communications without proper justification in 2019 & 2020, the FISA court ruled | 04/27/2021 | The Washington Post |
FBI demands USA Today hand over data on its readers | 06/03/2021 | Politico |
The FBI provided location data to the UAE’s authoritarian ruler about his estranged daughter, which he then used to abduct her. | 07/07/2021 | USA Today |
FBI Tells Americans to Report ‘Family Members and Peers’ in Tweet, Gets Blowback | 07/12/2021 | Epoch Times |
FBI Agents Disregarded Gymnasts’ Complaints About Nassar, Then Made False Statements to Cover Mistakes, Report Says | 07/14/2021 | The Wall Street Journal |
Men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer say FBI set them up | 07/21/2021 | NY Post |
FBI agent, 39, investigating Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot is fired two months after he was arrested for 'beating his wife over a disagreement at a swingers party' | 09/13/2021 | The Daily Mail |
FBI agents stole valuables from hundreds of safety deposit boxes in California | 09/20/2021 | Los Angeles Times |