Sunday, September 05, 2021

"...remember: Ivermectin is such a miracle drug that it won the Nobel Prize."-----Two utterly fascinating facts about COVID (Part 2) - American Thinker

Two utterly fascinating facts about COVID - American Thinker
"...Now, back to Dr. Ioannidis's point that early intervention can help save even more lives.
Right now, the medical establishment is doing the equivalent of a doctor who, when he concludes that you are in the early stages of a sinus infection, sends you home without any antibiotics and, instead, tells you to return when you're septic. 
When it comes to COVID, we're all told to go home and get back to the doctor when we're on the verge of dying and interventional medicines will no longer work. 
Meanwhile, almost the entire American establishment (Democrats, doctors, Hollywood stars) hectors everyone to get vaccinated.
The bias against early intervention is so strong that the same people lecturing people about vaccines are also assuring them that ivermectin, which has been touted as a possible treatment, is in fact an incredibly dangerous horse de-worming medicine. 
When word got out that Joe Rogan treated his COVID with ivermectin (as well as hydroxychloroquine), the condescending sneering began:
...In fact, the CDC, beloved of the American left, strongly recommends ivermectin for third-world refugees heading to America carrying inside of them a host of parasites (and yes, the image is horrible but the highlights will give you an insight into how often ivermectin is mentioned)...
Just remember: Ivermectin is such a miracle drug that it won the Nobel Prize...Read all.

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