Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Every racial difference is hate!-----Don't Look Now, but Food Charity and Farmers Markets Are Part of 'White Supremacy Culture' Too

Don't Look Now, but Food Charity and Farmers Markets Are Part of 'White Supremacy Culture' Too
"Do you ever wonder if at some point, the purveyors of critical race theory will promote something so outrageously wrong, so egregiously stupid, that the entire theoretical framework of the noxious philosophy will collapse in a heap of proverbial steaming excrement?
We can dream, can’t we?
Actually, what’s happening at Washington State University comes pretty darn close to achieving that goal. 
...The agriculture program at the school promoted a webinar event called “Examining Whiteness in Food Systems.” 
As you might surmise, we ain’t talkin’ about white bread.


During the hour-long presentation, attendees learned that “white supremacy culture” creates food insecurity by “center[ing] whiteness across the food system.”

The materials claim that “whiteness defines foods as either good or bad” and that farmers markets are merely white spaces...Read all!

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