Sunday, December 19, 2021

Fauci: If these case counts keep rising, we might need to be more "restrictive"

"In fact, as I’m writing this, news is breaking:

The UK had upwards of 90,000 cases yesterday and we’re five times their size. A half million cases per day soon seems like a fait accompli. A million a day? Two million? The only limit is lab testing capacity.

One thing that hit me hard this morning even though it’s been obvious since this summer is that the experts no longer have any idea of where this is going. That was clear enough when we got slammed by Delta just as everyone was expecting the pandemic to begin winding down post-vaccination. It became clearer when the reality of waning immunity, something the U.S. public hadn’t been prepared for by the scientific bureaucracy, began to dawn in Israel. But the emergence of Omicron has made me feel more keenly than before the extent to which the experts have no sense of what the future holds. Some researchers have even admitted that they didn’t expect a variant with as many mutations as Omicron to appear for another year or two as the virus evolved across the planet.

Will we face another mutant next winter that’s even more contagious than this one, assuming that’s possible? There’s no reason not to think so. And if Fauci or any of the other public health experts on TV 24/7 conjures up some argument to believe the worst is behind us, remember that they thought that six months ago as well. Now here we stand on the precipice of what looks to be a national wave of viral infection worse than any the country’s experienced since … when? Ever?

The disruptions have already begun without anyone ordering new “restrictions.”

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