Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Goldberg used to be an articulate supporter of libertarianism.-----Examining the impact from this week's revelations from the Capitol attack -

Examining the impact from this week's revelations from the Capitol attack -
"...JONAH GOLDBERG: Always great to be here.
And then going forward, the real - you know, the real outrage about it, to my mind, is that for the next 11 months, a lot of these people decided to go another way and say it was no big deal, that Donald Trump had nothing to do with it and that anybody who was making a big deal about people bludgeoning cops with flagpoles and trying to kidnap members of Congress, they're just hypocrites and idiots...
INSKEEP: ...Do these messages show that these Fox News personalities have been lying to my family for months?
GOLDBERG: Yes. I mean, I could give you some caveats, but yes. I mean, this is the thing that has made me feel like I was in an "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" movie for the last five years. The things that - the Republican Party and conservative media world is full of people who know the truth and say something else. And even though they - I'm sure - I know for a fact that Laura and Sean really liked Donald Trump and think he's good for America and all of this kind of stuff. 
...And certainly, Comrade Trump has done nothing wrong, for he shall deliver the greatest wheat harvest east of the Urals we have ever seen...Read all.

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