Friday, December 17, 2021

History for December 17

William Safire 1929
  • 1791 - A traffic regulation in New York City established the first street to go "One Way."
  • 1903 - The first successful gasoline-powered airplane flight took place near Kitty Hawk, NC. Orville and Wilbur Wright made the flight.
  • 1944 - The U.S. Army announced the end of its policy of excluding Japanese-Americans from the West Coast which ensured that Japanese-Americans were released from detention camps.
  • 1959 - The film "On the Beach" premiered in New York City and in 17 other cities. It was the first motion picture to debut simultaneously in major cities around the world.
  • 1969 - Television history was made when Tiny Tim and Miss Vicki Budinger were married on "The Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson.
  • 1975 - Lynette Fromme was sentenced to life in prison for her attempt on the life of U.S. President Ford.
  • 1978 - OPEC decided to raise oil prices by 14.5% by the end of 1979.

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