Thursday, December 16, 2021

Howie Carr: Brace for waterworks as student loans come due

Stand by for the next round of sob stories — what’s about to happen next, you will be told, is definitely a hate crime, maybe even genocide.
"Here’s the scoop: Millions of deadbeats who have had a two-year vacation from having to pay down their student loans will now have to … start repaying the money they borrowed to get their absurd, worthless college degrees.
Being required to pay off debt you willingly accrued and signed binding legal contracts to repay — how un-American is that?
...This latest round of sky-is-falling stories will all feature the usual “advocates” and “experts” predicting the end of civilization if the tattooed slackers have to pay down their loans at the rate of some $400 a month...Read all!

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