Thursday, December 16, 2021

Judge holds hospital in contempt of court for refusing ivermectin to COVID patient on ventilator, ignoring court order - TheBlaze

Judge holds hospital in contempt of court for refusing ivermectin to COVID patient on ventilator, ignoring court order - TheBlaze

A Virginia hospital was held in contempt of court Monday after refusing to administer ivermectin to a woman who has been battling COVID-19 since early October. What are the details? Kathleen Davies, a 63-year-old northern Virginia woman, became severely ill with COVID in October, and she has been on a ventilator since Nov. 3. Davies was prescribed ivermectin by her family doctor, but she could not complete her regimen upon being admitted to the Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton. That's because the northern Virginia hospital refused to administer the drug, "citing medical, legal and practical concerns," the Fauquier Times reported.

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