Thursday, December 16, 2021

Mark Alexander: Here Comes the Demos' J6 Anniversary Party | The Patriot Post

Mark Alexander: Here Comes the Demos' J6 Anniversary Party | The Patriot Post
"Get ready for all the Demo drama…
We’re a few weeks away from a massive celebration by the
Democrat Party’s rising ranks of socialist authoritarians and their Leftmedia propagandists
— a day to remind the American people of the most disgraceful event associated with the Republican Party since the attempted Watergate cover-up.
I am referring, of course, to the Demo fanfare you can expect as we approach the one-year anniversary of the “insurrection,” the January 6th (J6) Capitol riot.
...Ironically, there was an actual and far more insidious insurrectionist coup attempt preceding J6 — the Democrat deep-state conspiracy to take down Trump
But rioting Capitol idiots make much better political theater.
...Now, ramping up for the J6 anniversary, and endeavoring to propagate Biden’s “white supremacist” bogeyman, this week the District of Columbia’s attorney general filed suit against the outlier “Proud Boys” and “Oath Keepers” groups alleging they were co-conspirators in the Capitol attack...Read all.

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