Sunday, December 19, 2021

Must read all!-----"Every tyranny has an infant form, it’s called a bureaucracy."

Christopher Buckley  
"Every tyranny has an infant form, it’s called a bureaucracy.
The totalitarian mind and the bureaucratic mind are exactly the same thing. 
If you have OCD you harm yourself through meaningless rituals which serve no valid purpose but are triggered by some internal disability which is unsatisfied with nature. 
If you apply these rituals to everyone except yourself, harming only others by your insistence on their completion, you are a bureaucrat.
...It’s not just the Media which removes us from reality and presents a layer of obfuscation, a class of experts who can be manipulated, purchased or collectively descend into madness whilst interpreting the world for us. 
  • It’s science. 
  • It’s all those university departments which need to feed and grow. 
  • It’s the Chamber of Commerce. 
  • It’s the WEF. 
  • Its the HR Department, and the Equalities Director. 
Almost without anyone noticing, every company, every institution, acquires successive growths of bureaucracy all frantically engaged in things which have nothing to do with the thing the company makes, the thing the company sells, or the declared purpose of the institution.
  • A museum will have more administrators than historians. And the historian who rises will be an administrator at heart, and a historian perhaps many years ago. 
In all spheres, and in all professions, the Beria like mind will rise, slowly, inexorably, crawling over others, a cockroach of detail, a sensitive twitching antenna to every rule, the madder the better.
It’s the experts on everything except the human heart and the old verities of moral sense. 
Those rise.
It’s the bureaucrats, stupid." – Daniel Jupp

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