Saturday, December 18, 2021

The most deadly virus!-----Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant keeps city council seat after recall election | Seattle | The Guardian

Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant keeps city council seat after recall election | Seattle | The Guardian
"Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant has narrowly avoided being ousted from her seat on the city council, following a widely watched recall election.
...“For us to have overcome that in this spectacular manner really speaks to not only the organizational strength of our campaign, of Socialist Alternative, of working people in general, but also the political ideas on which this victory has been based,” Sawant told the Guardian on Friday.
The recall result for Sawant – who became the first socialist on the Seattle council in nearly a century after she beat out a Democrat and 16-year incumbent in 2013 – was viewed as a win for progressives and a rebuff of big business...Read all.

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