Thursday, December 23, 2021

We know who they mean by "extremist"-----Liking a Facebook Post Could Get Service Members Punished Under Pentagon 'Extremism' Policy

Liking a Facebook Post Could Get Service Members Punished Under Pentagon 'Extremism' Policy
"..."the Department is focused on prohibited activity, not on a particular ideology, thought or political orientation," the new guidelines create a broad definition for "active participation."
..."Active participation" includes:
...Engaging in "electronic and cyber activities regarding extremist activities, or groups that support extremist activities – including posting, liking, sharing, re-tweeting, or otherwise distributing content – when such action is taken with the intent to promote or otherwise endorse extremist activities."
...The Pentagon focus on domestic extremism and terrorism...fails to mention or address concerns of the domestic terrorists in the ranks of Antifa and Black Lives Matter that laid siege to American cities in 2020. 

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