Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Latest warmist doomsday fantasy: Massive Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica will 'fall apart overnight' and raise sea levels by ten feet - American Thinker

Latest warmist doomsday fantasy: Massive Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica will 'fall apart overnight' and raise sea levels by ten feet - American Thinker

"Some people love to be scared.  Mary Shelley knew that when she wrote Frankenstein, and genres of fiction and film exist mining that desire for innocent fun and profit.  But when politics enters the fray and fears are stoked to scare people into accepting costly and harmful policies, it is important to push back.

Two articles from last week illustrate the panic-mongering and the responsible citation of fact.

Breitbart highlights a prophet of doom from Rolling Stone magazine, home of the University of Virginia rape hoax story:

The massive Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica could "fall apart overnight" and raise sea levels by 10 feet, declares an article Thursday in Rolling Stone magazine...

Thwaites Glacier tongue on 2012.
Photo credit: James Yungel, NASA ICE, CC BY 2.0 license.

Cue the special effects crew for a Hollywood disaster film.  Great visuals of a wall of water crushing Miami or New York City.

...  as Wattsupwiththat chronicles:

The cryosphere is failing to cooperate with the anthropogenic global warming narrative that says rising greenhouse gas emissions should be catastrophically melting Arctic ice...Read all!

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