Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Biden colluding with the enemies of America...and Europe!-----Biden Blows Up Yet Another Gas Pipeline | The Pipeline

Biden Blows Up Yet Another Gas Pipeline | The Pipeline
  • Putin is watching.
...Take seven-billion-dollar Eastern Mediterranean Gas Pipeline
In August of 2020 I reported how the Greeks, Cypriots, and Israelis had coordinated plans for a 1,200-mile undersea pipeline connecting Israeli and Cypriot gas fields to Greece and then to Europe.
... The Eastern Mediterranean pipeline would have benefitted our allies Greece, Cyprus, Israel and the UAE. 
It would as well, have provided desperately needed future  energy supplies to Western Europe which has been engaged in suicidal green policies.
...President Biden, in a “non -paper” (an unofficial communication), has notified the Greek government that we are no longer supporting the project, allegedly because it posed a security threat to the region. Except, of course, when Russia wanted waivers to build Nord Stream 2, a non-green gas pipeline to Europe, it had no such qualms.
...Russia has had a large hand in fueling the "green" opposition to energy in western Europe...Read all!

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