Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Personal Behaviors Are a Major Driver of Racially Disparate School Suspensions

Personal Behaviors Are a Major Driver of Racially Disparate School Suspensions
"Until a few years ago, public school data found that
black students were suspended at three to four times the rate of white students. 
A survey of students in grades 9-12 found that 15.5% of black but only 6.4% of white students engaged in school fights. 
...Social-justice advocates believe that these growing racial behavioral gaps reflect black students’ adaptation to biased school policies in earlier grades – but I see other explanations....
  • Finally, Orlando Patterson claims, “There has emerged a remarkable degree of uniformity in the culture of masculinity among all classes and regions of black youth in America.” Many black boys focus on being “cool” – adopting a distinct style of speech, posture, and walk that signals strength, control, a lack of emotion verging on indifference, fearlessness, and toughness, and success at fighting when necessary...Read all.

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