Monday, March 21, 2022

The destruction of our public schools accelerates!-----"Such flowery crap. It really says… We will teach your kids to hate white people, capitalism and America..."

Facebook   Melanie
"Such flowery crap. 
It really says…
  • We will teach your kids to hate white people, capitalism and America under the guise of “wrestling with the complexity of history”. 
  • And we will let anyone take AP courses regardless of ability while AP continues to dumb-down the material so the underserved kids we refuse to teach how to read, write and do math can pass.
MDE Logo Press Release--Contact: Martin Ackley, Director of Public and Governmental Affairs, 517-241-4395  Bill Disessa, Spokesperson, 517-335-6649
MDE Recognizes the Alignment of Comprehensive History in AP Courses -March 18, 2022

LANSING – Teaching of the comprehensive history of the United States is built into the fabric of the national Advanced Placement (AP) program...has in its statement of principles an opposition to censorship..“foster an open-minded approach to the histories and cultures of different peoples.”
...We do well to teach the full breadth of our history, in social studies and in literature, and to wrestle with the complexity of that history, rather than to limit our children’s knowledge and to suffer the adverse impacts of ignorance.”
...The College Board states that it “encourages the elimination of barriers that restrict access to AP courses for students from ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the AP Program. Schools should make every effort to ensure that their AP classes reflect the diversity of their student population.”

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