Monday, March 14, 2022

The end of the Age of Fragility - spiked

The end of the Age of Fragility - spiked
"...we need to ask ourselves how we got into this situation. 
How we arrived in a world in which defending people from supposedly offensive words is considered more important than defending our borders
In which we seem to have so little need for the virtue of ‘strength’ that we’re willing to blacklist the word itself for being gendered and stereotypical. 
This is where the Ukraine war really confronts us. 
It interrupts, violently, our post-Cold War conceits. 
It upends our belief that history, in Europe at least, is largely settled, and now we can concern ourselves with petty things like pronouns and sexual identity or with purposely overblown, mission-creating projects for the technocratic elite, like the ‘climate emergency’. 
...Those bombs in Ukraine have shattered this Western arrogance and decadence by reminding us that history lives...Read all!

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